Rod teip 🥺😅🌚🏈🌈

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Dream started pounding his fist on the dash board. He was gasping for air.

"Don't just sit there!" Said George panicking ," Eret! You know the heimlich, right?"

"Yeah, but I'm not touching dream." Eret replied

George gave a disgusted look at Eret. Was he really going to sit there and watch the light leave Dream's eyes?

"Sapnap, hand me your tablet."

"No, why?"

"I'm going to hit Dream in the back with it."

"Fine." Sapnap said, begrudgingly handing over his tablet

Dream started pounding his fist against his chest, to try to dislodge the hot dog. It was so long that most of it was in his throat, but he could feel the tip of it in the back of his mouth. He could only try to cough it out and he hit himself.

Then Eret joined in, leaning forward to hit him with the tablet. He doubled over and started coughing even harder, gravity further dislodging it.

George finally got through the traffic and pulled over, practically flying out of the car. He ran over to Dream's side, dragging him of his seat and onto the side of the road.

He took Dream in his lap and tried pushing at his stomach. He did not know how to do the heimlich, but Eret refused so he was on his own.

Finally, George sighed and forced his hand into Dream's mouth. He felt around for the hot dog, grabbing it and yanking it out.

Dream gasped for air, sitting up and grabbing George's shirt. "My hero," he said, burying his head into his boyfriend's shoulder.

George was out of breath as well, holding Dream just as tight.

"Marry me," Dream blurted.

His heart stopped. What?

"Are you joking or serious?" He asked, brushing his soft waves from his flushed face.

"I'm serious," Dream said. "You saved me from the stupid hot dog." He laughed. "And..." he dug around in his pocket and pulled out a small box. "I meant to do this at Disney."

George silently took the box in his hand and opened it. It was a simple gold band, with three different stones set into it-- a sapphire, a diamond, and an emerald.

"Wow," he said in a hushed voice, slipping it around his finger. It perfectly fit, sparkling gently in the afternoon sun.

"Yes," George said, just as soft. "Yes, I'll marry you."

They both grinned, pulling each other in for a long and tender kiss. Their lips fit perfectly together, as did their bodies, pressed and moving impossibly close.

They sat together for a moment before Dream softly laughed to himself. "You know, it's funny." He held up the hot dog, which was now covered in slime. "That this is what gave me the courage."

"Oh my god," George laughed, shaking his head.

"You think I could still eat it?"

"Get in the car," he teased, the smile still on his face.

When they came back, Eret and Sapnap were in a mildly heated feud.
Eret was holding the corner Sapnap's tablet between his index finger and his thumb.

"What's on your tablet?" Eret asked grossed out by the brown crusty substance on it

"Nothing! Give it back, I have a very important slime mixing video to watch!" He lunged for his tablet

"Tell me what it is first, and then I'll give it back." Eret smelled the tablet," Is it from your Yowie egg?"

Sapnap hadn't even thought of that, he now had an alibi. "Yes! It melted in my hands and then got all over the tablet."

"Where else did it get?" Eret got out of the car that was still pulled over

She was concerned for the cars state, she didn't want to have to deal with more on this trip. She opened Sapnap's door, gave a quick look at where Sapnap was sitting. Some of it was smudged on his shorts. It was on the seat behind Sapnap's head. Chocolate finger prints wrapped around the seat thing that separated the back seat from the trunk. There was an open space between the headrest and the seat that led to the trunk. A space big enough for a little Sapnap hand to reach through.

"Hey Bud... What were you getting into back here?" Eret asked

He took a further look into the the trunk. There were small chocolate chunks on the zipper to Dream's tote bag. Eret opened up the bag and gave a look inside at the contents. He wanted to at least reimburse Dream for what Sapnap ruined. Eret pulled out a black dream branded hoodie, a pop tart wrapper, a pregnancy test in a bag, a drawing from Sapnap that was crinkled up, and a red thong.

Eret took the thong, and walked up to the passengers window, holding the thong up to the window, just so Dream could really see.

Dream was mid conversation with George before turning around in his seat. Dream gave a horrified look, his face flushed from embarrassment. He regocnised the thong. Dream had bought the thong for George as a gag gift. Dream rolled down his window.

"What is this?" Said Eret holding up the thong with two hands, and shoving it in Dream's face

"That's not mine." Said Dream, he tried rolling back up his window

If he had rolled up his window then and there, all he had to do was get a light lecture and maybe there would be a bit of an awkward car ride.

"It has a poop streak in it." Said eret unimpressed

Okay, so maybe Dream had tried it on as a joke. Maybe, also, he had ran out of regular undunderwear and to resort to that a couple times.

"So? I should be able to wear that if I want to." He snatched the underwear out of Eret's hands

"You're so fucking weird." Eret walked away, he had to watch Sapnap anyways

"Glad, that that's over" Dream thought to himself, "Wait... His thong was at the bottom of the bag. What else had Eret found? The pregnancy test? His prescribed cream for his itchy nuts? The fanart Sapnap made him?"

Dream's mind was going a million miles a minute. " Eret is nosy by nature, was she still digging around?" 
Dream adjusted the mirror so he could see just what everyone was doing

Eret was looking at her phone, thumbs back at it again, texting. Sapnap was picking at the glitter on his shoes.

Apparently George noticed too, " Sapnap, baby, stop picking at your shoes."

Sapnap stopped, and instead of doing that he started chewing on his tablet case instead. Okay, now everyone was in the car, things were finally fine and good. George started driving again, they were NOT going to miss their flight.

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