ultrasound of broken dreams

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this is when it starts to get really batshit lol (and it only gets crazier from here) enjoy 😁

(warning: very very angsty chapter)


"I can't believe we didn't do this sooner," Dream sighed as they pulled up to the gynecologist's office.

"I know," George agreed. During vacation, they'd planned to get this done the second they returned. But as their schedule worked out, it was now Friday, the day before Sapnap's party, and several days after they'd arrived back home.

They went inside and waited for a few minutes before an older man peeked into the waiting room.

"George? George Davidson?" He asked.

George set his magazine aside and stood, ignoring the stares he got from the other patients. He couldn't blame them, though. After all, it wasn't every day you see a cis guy checking in for his gyno appointment.

"Alright," the doctor said when George and Dream had seated themselves in his office. He introduced himself as Dr. Chablagoo before explaining the procedure. He continued, "Mr. Davidson, let's get you changed real quick."

After George had stepped behind a curtain to strip and slip into a hospital gown, he had to lay down on a padded table. When he returned, the doctor had turned on his computer as well as the ultrasound device.

"This'll be cold," Dr. Chablagoo said before rubbing some sort of ointment-- that felt like jelly --over George's stomach. He cringed at the temperature, then watched as the doctor picked up the device, sweeping it over the jelly.

A picture slowly started to form on the computer screen.

Both George and Dream gasped as they saw the baby take shape.

Dream had gotten up to hold his fiancé's hand. He squeezed it as he used his free hand to wipe the forming tears out of his eyes.

"That's ours," he said, his voice thick. "George, that's our baby!" He laughed through an overjoyed sob.

George was speechless, just watching the little staticky blob. If he focused, he swore he could feel it.

"Do we know the sex at this point?" George asked, hushed. All that his brain thought was August August August.

However, when he looked up, Dr. Chablagoo had his brow furrowed.

"Actually, could I please speak to Mr. Davidson separately?"

Both of them froze, Dream visibly paling. That couldn't mean anything good.

"Alright," Dream finally managed, squeezing George's hand one last time before stepping out of the office. His shadow lingered in the shaded window for a moment before ducking around the hall towards the restroom.

George waited anxiously as Dr. Chablagoo continued to move the wand around, eyes dead set on the ultrasound. What could possibly be so important, so life-shattering that he had to be told in private?

"George, I'll be very honest with you," the doctor finally said. "It doesn't look like you're pregnant."


George couldn't say anything, couldn't move, couldn't think for a century. He sat, not quite in disbelief but in a state of horrified shock. He had felt the same way when he first learned that he'd have to move to Flordia in the first place-- when his mother had called him that afternoon and had told him so patiently that his grandmother had finally died. The same way he'd felt standing at her funeral, watching her be buried under the unforgiving Florida sun. Purely numb.

He slowly comprehended that he was grieving.

George, by habit at this point, rested a hand over his swollen stomach. His hand came away sticky and lukewarm.

"Then what's that?" He asked, still looking at the ultrasound. He couldn't believe. Not while looking at that. That, which was clearly a child. Which had a name already and the beginnings of a nursery in the old guest bedroom. This couldn't be true.

"It seems to be some sort of foreign object," the doctor said. He set the wand down and used the computer mouse to circle over something. "It seems to have created some sort of blockage, which makes it look like you're pregnant."

"But my test was positive," George protested. "And I've had symptoms. I have morning sickness, irritation, swollen feet, you name it."

But the doctor just sadly smiled at him. "I'm sorry, but it very clearly looks like you just have some sort of buildup of feces. And the false positive reinforced it. I can recommend you to a specialist, but all I can say for sure is that that is no baby."

"Christ." George had pushed himself up and put his head in his hands. Vaguely, he remembered the storm. The sock that he'd slept with that one night then had never seen again.

"I've been living a lie." He shook his head. "What do I tell my husband? My family?"

"Same thing I told you," Dr. Chablagoo said patiently.

"No." He stood on his feet, wiped himself off with a towel. "We're going to lie. I can figure this out."


don't worry guys we've had this planned forever and george will get his baby 😈 no clump of shit will stop him tbh!!

please no hate this has fr been planned since the first book sorry if you feel upset after reading 60 chapters for this. to be fair this is a crackfic but it is ok to be mad

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