Chapter 5: Surprise

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                                                                              Chapter 5 

                                                                            - Surprises -

After they finished, and cleaned everything, they went in the living room.

"So, I'm curious, when are Mary and Esty coming?" Tamara asked once they settled in the comfortable sofas.

"Well..." Alexandra looked at Ioana nervously, like she was about to say some big secret, but the girl nodded, as if to say that it was alright, so she continued confidently. "They are supposed to arrive here next week or so. They might even come 2 weeks from now."

Had Tamara been drinking something in that moment, she would have spilled everything out.

"Two weeks?! Are you kidding me? Don't you have school or somethin'? I mean, I'm very happy to see you guys, and really, it's not a bother that you are staying this much, but... I'm worried, that's all." Tamara said looking at both of them concerned.

Alexandra smiled nervous and scratched her arm, while Ioana remained stone-faced. Then:

"We already spoke of this with my sister and Estera. And we have already prepared everything for now, we just have to register and we're done. There is something, though..." Ioana looked at Tamara closely and with an almost pleading expression.

"Wait, hold on! What do you mean? 'Prepared everything'?" Tamara asked confused. She didn't understand, what did the girls mean?

Ioana sighed. Then she glanced at Alexandra.

"We would like to move here, if you're okay with this. And by moving here, I mean staying and going to school here, well, the last high school year we have, and, I don't know, we'll think of what happens later." Ioana answered, preparing for the worst.

Silence followed. Tamara was trying to process her friend's words, while the other two waited anxious.

"You're serious, aren't you?" she asked, her expression hard and suspicious, looking at Ioana's face, searching for any kind of clues that would reveal the real meaning of the answer she received. But what she found was only seriousness and determination. She got no response, but she already knew it.

"Well, there's a saying," she began leaning back in her seat, her face giving no clues as to what she was going to say, "that I really like to use."

Poor Alexandra was so close to starting to bite her nails from worry and anxiety, but she held on to her self-control. While her face betrayed nothing, Ioana was worried inside, and she hoped she didn't cross the limits of Tamara's patience and kindness.

"And it goes like this:" She got up on her two feet, her expression hard, and arms wide open. "'The more, the merrier'!!" she smiled and Ale let out one big relieved sigh, happy, and jumped up to hug her friend tightly.

Ioana was more controlled, but just as relieved, if not more. She had been afraid that her friend would refuse them, and send them back, back to the hell they've just escaped. Her shoulders relaxed, and she looked with big, grateful eyes at her friend, thanking her silently. Ale, though...

"Thank you so, so much! I'm so happy that we'll be staying here from now on!"

"Heh, I'm happy too! But, I still have some questions. You said that Marry and Esty would be coming some time in the next weeks, right? That means they'll be coming with the rest of the luggage. But, while there's enough space up in the attic for it, I don't know where one of the girls will stay, 'cause there's only one other room left." Tamy asked concerned.

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