Ch.38 Soul's Solace

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Chapter 38

Kiara sat on the edge of her balcony with her eyes glued on Killian. She watched him pace the garden back and forth with Lyla in his arms. A strange dog who never stood still enough for Kiara to get a good look at played in the garden beside them as the father and daughter carried on their daily walk.

Every time Killian turned and walked back to where the blanket was laid out, his eyes would look up to the balcony. Kiara would catch his gaze and immediately her heart would leap up into her throat. A few times she smiled at him and even waved, but the look of dread never faded from the boy's eyes. He would wave back as if he was looking out at the sea, saying goodbye to a ship that would never return home.

"Kiara," Posey's voice made the girl jump in her seat.

"I'm so sorry," Posey laughed. "I didn't mean to scare you."

"It's alright," Kiara lowered her legs and pushed her hair out of her face.

"It's a beautiful day," Posey shifted her weight. "I was wondering if you wanted to come out on a walk with me."

"Oh..." Kiara looked over her shoulder at Killian below. "Yes. I would like that very much."

Posey seemed to visibly relax. She smiled and stepped back for Kiara to approach her.

"How are you feeling?" she asked.

"I feel fine," Kiara said, following the woman out of the room.

"You must be bored in the house," Posey looked over her shoulder. "We can plan a trip somewhere. Maybe to the beach? Or a museum?"

Kiara nodded. She was in no mood to talk or even make an effort to be polite to the sweet woman. Her mind and heart felt like a hollow jar with stains of a longing she couldn't understand. Her heart yearned for something she couldn't name. And every time she was around Posey, Tobias or Killian, the feeling just intensified.

"What's the matter?" Posey asked as she noticed Kiara's gloomy mood.

"I was just thinking," Kiara looked around at the empty walls as they began to descend the stairwell. "This is a very big house."

"Yes, it is," Posey laughed. "I always wanted a big house. Your dad called me dramatic when I first told him about my day dreams of running down the halls in a long silk robe. He used to tease me so much about it. But I know deep down he loved every bit of my drama. He won't ever admit it, but he lives for my drama. He likes how extra I am and he enables me. I mean look at the size of this house!"

"Doesn't it get lonely?"

Posey shrugged, "Sometimes."

"So why didn't you have more children?"

"It was a miracle we had you," Posey let out a deep sign. "We had begun to lose all hope of ever having a child. It just didn't seem possi-"

"So I am an only child?" Kiara slowed down.

"Yes," Posey nodded, stopping a step below Kiara.

"And I always have been?" Kiara arched her brow.

"Yes...." Posey said. "Unless your dad has demigod that I don't know about."

"Demigods?" Kiara's eyes narrowed.

"Kids," Posey shook her head. "I meant kids."

"What are demigods?"

"Just a funny nickname," Posey waved her hand.

"A bit too specific for a nickname."

"Is it?" Posey laughed.

"Is Kia a demigod?"

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