Ch.13 Little Fairy

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Chapter 13

Kiara sat scrolling through the files on her laptop as she stirred her tea. It had gone cold hours ago, but she paid no mind. Her thoughts were occupied by the picture of the Livia Murd on the screen.

Every time she read the words skyfall, her skin prickled up as if someone had shocked her. Her bones chilled and her stomach turned. She could still hear Bram's voice in her head, mocking her, threatening her. The feel of the silver cuffs around her ankle was still very prominent in her mind. Some nights, Kiara was too afraid to move her legs out of fear the shackles might make too much noise.

But along with all the heartbroken emotions also came anger. And what an anger it was. Kiara had never felt the kind of rage pump through her veins. It was urgent and impatient. Fire from the darkest pits of hell ignited in her eyes every time she thought about the island.

That's what they do...

That voice again. Kiara couldn't stop hearing that voice in her head. It was constantly there. And it made so much sense...

They hurt you...

"They do," Kiara felt her chest tighten.

When do you get a say in what happens in your life?

Kiara's fingers began to tremor over the keys on her laptop. She tried to move them and hold the steady but it was no use.

They all want to possess you just to use you...

"I know..." Kiara's voice cracked.

Suddenly, the door to the room opened and Killian walked in. His face immediately lit up as he looked at Kiara. The light in his eyes made her heart tumble down hills. All she ever wanted was for him to look at her like that.

Do you think he would still love you?

Kiara's heart froze. The smile on her lips dimmed as she stared at Killian.

Does he love you?

"Hey, baby," Killian walked over to the bed and leaned down to kiss Kiara's head. "What are you doing?"

"Nothing," Kiara sighed, shutting off the laptop and tossing it aside on the bed.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, why?"

"You look a bit...lost," Killian tilted his head. "What's wrong?"

"I'm fine," Kiara lied. "I just....I don't think I slept enough."

"Why don't you take a nap right now?" Killian began to move the pillows back. "You look exhausted."

"I'm fine, Killian," Kiara said firmly.

Will he still love you?

Killian hesitated slightly. He peered at Kiara for a few seconds as she fussed with her hair and the front of her dress. Her brows were knit together in irritation as if she was growing angrier by the second.

"Kia," Killian reached out and took hold of her chin. He tilted her head back and stared into her brown eyes. "I'm worried about you."

"Why?" Kiara raised a brow.

"Because you haven't really been acting like yourself," Killian frowned. He felt all the emotions of the last few days rise up in his throat as he moved closer and pulled her onto his lap. "And then the other night....with you teleporting."

"I just," Kiara shrugged, not knowing what to say. "I think there's just a lot going on right now."

"We should go to the fates."

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