Secrets Out

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"You can't be serious—that that doesn't prove anything!" Asami says, clearly getting upset.

Mako puts his arm around Asami and glares at the group as they walk away.

In the background, a man is pulling the factory's large door closed. A worker makes intense eye contact with Korra and he heads in her general direction, unnoticed by anyone. Tenzin and Lin are still nearby looking over the evidence that Aurora and Hakoda brought them. Korra is petting Naga. The worker purposefully walks right past Korra, not quite looking at her, and discreetly puts a folded piece of paper in her free hand as he goes past. Korra's fingers tighten around it reflexively, and her eyes go wide with surprise. She quickly brings the paper up to examine it, then looks around to see where it might have come from. She catches sight of the worker as he boards a truck, surrounded by several of his fellows in identical uniforms. One waves as the truck drives off.

Korra opens the paper and reads it, then quickly turns to Tenzin and offers him the note.

"I think you guys should hear this." She's reading off the paper, "If you want to find the truth, meet me under the north end of the Silk Road Bridge at midnight."


Korra, Hokada, Lin, Tenzin, and Aurora all meet under the bridge.

"Psst! Over here." He steps out from behind a metal strut as the others approach.

"Listen. I joined the Equalists because I believed in what Amon said." He fixes the collar of his jacket so that it rises and obscures his face from view, "I thought he could make life better for us non-benders. But I didn't sign up for this, this war."

Lin crosses his arms, "What do you have on Hiroshi Sato?"

Worker puts his head down, "He manufactured those gloves for the Equalists."

Korra slams her hand down on her other hand, "I knew it."

"And there are rumors he's working on something even bigger. Some new kind of weapon." The worker says.

Tenzin shakes his head, "We searched all of Future Industries and found nothing."

Worker puts his hand over his mouth as if he's trying not to be heard, "That's because he has a secret factory."

Aurora looks intensely at the worker, "Where?"

"It's right underneath the Sato mansion." The worker says.

Aurora, Hakoda, Korra, Tenzin, and Lin's eyes all go wide, and the Avatar gasps.


They all board into the Metalbender airship and are flying across the sky above. Within, Korra is crouched against the airship's wall. Aurora and Hakoda sit down talking. Tenzin and Lin are staring down at the city from the observation deck.

"Raiding the Sato mansion is a risky move with Tarrlok breathing down your neck. If we're wrong-" Tenzin says.

Lin nods, "I know. I can kiss my job goodbye. But protecting Republic City is all I care about. We can't let Amon get his hands on this new weapon."

Aurora perks up, "But the evidence—"

"Yea but he knows were coming and that gives him enough time to cover everything up. And if we can't find anything leginament. Then it's as good as nothing."

We approached the Mansion doors and Aurora and Hakoda were following the metalbenders. Chief Beifong grabs Hakoda by the back of his shirt.

"Listen here, the only reason you're not being thrown into a jail cell to rot, is because of her." She points at me, "One screw up, any moment you're breathing gives me slightly bad vibration. Your done, got it."

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