Are We Alive?

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Hi people can't believe it's literally been three whole years sense I've updated this. A Lot has happened to me. And when I started writing this book to be honest, I was so depressed and barely holding it together and I can happily say now I'm in such a healthier mental and physical space and not dealing with as many home issues. 

I was born in this country but my parents were illegal, and when I was 6 they got deported but I got stuck in the foster system because they didn't want to bring me to their home country because it wasn't safe. So I got placed into the foster system. Aka the short story of it. And my foster family tried their best but I just wanted my blood family back and just kept digging myself into a bigger hole of depression. 

But by the end of my sophomore year my parents got their green cards and we've transitioned into 50/50. They aren't in a financial situation where I can live with them fully but my foster family honestly are being the best human beings I've ever met and I'm so grateful I got put where I got put. 

I was so scared of them giving me back or getting deported that I didn't want to show any of my issues with depression and anxiety and self harm and it really really got bad and honestly I don't know if I would be here if my foster brother didn't speak up to me and help me get help and they stood by me through my worst days and helped be spokes people for my family to move here and 

I just want to say to anyone going through an impossible situation or a dark path or a dark time. Keeping moving forward times is never still and life has so much to offer and you are a benefit to this world and nothing happens by mistake and the universe works in mysterious ways. I choose to believe that the dark time are for the strongest warriors and the challenge is what you do when times are hard and that moment when you overcome it and get to the other side I promise you it WILL BE WORTH IT. Never surrender. 

With that being said I've really found myself this year. I remembered why I gravitated towards stories and writing in the beginning. I watched the protagonist go through impossible situations and watched as it worked itself out and they get to the other side. And remembered that writing the journey and the experience of sharing a journey to inspire another to take their own is what brings me joy. Creating characters who feel, love, and hate, cry, and feel all the feelings known to man kind is what I'm here to do. 

SO YES I Will be continuing this story. I still have my notes on where the timeline was going and I'm so shocked at what a 12 year old could create. But I am going to need a month or two just to re-watch both the OG series and Legend of Korra just to make sure everything is gonna make sense and clarify where my 12 year old brain was going with this. 

Yes when I finish Legend of Korra story their will be a Prequal. :) This was the original plan! Prepare for madness! 

So I will release the entire story for Part 1 and 2 (think of it as season 1 and season 2) by end of July 2024! 

Thank you all for the support I spent yesterday reading comments and getting me excited to keep this journey going. 

Tales of Aurora Lives on 

Thank you for everything again 

much love <3 Kat 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15 ⏰

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