Part 1

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Remember the previous part? The one repeating too many times ''nothing''? Yeah, I got a bit bored and I moved on to a new chapter. Isn't that what most people do? Or at least claim to do nowadays. Or claim they should do. Which they obviously don't do. They tell others to do so and in the meantime they've got their minds on something else. That's called giving advice. If you didn't already know. If you've already gotten quite deranged by the time you've read the word ''nothing'' for more than 2 times, I would recommend you not to read on the rest of this chapter. It's not really my highest strength. Like for example, doing my best. To not repeat the same word too many times. It scares off the reader, they say. I blame it on the ''I'm just human, like everyone else''. All my mistakes, they're all not my fault. I'm very good at not blaming myself, putting myself in the victim-position. At least I'm the one being honest. Again, an over-used phrase, mainly being used by the one who feels the most threatened, and thereafter the one who feels the most threatened uses that exact same phrase to emphasize their innocence, their vulnerability, their chastity, but mostly to accentuate their guiltlessness, and as stated before, they indirectly and (they think) usually subconsciously, blame it all on the person who is the most nearest. Again, the best way to avoid several arguments is to citate the well-known phrase: ''But, I'm just human! I'm prone to making mistakes, mistakes are for learning, and I'm only learning even more. Life is a process of falling and getting up again!'' And suddenly, with a few magical words, everything is forgiven and forgotten. I think it's time for something new, I got bored of this chapter. I will just leave you here with this, do whatever you want to do afterwards.

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