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Disappointment (n)
is the feeling of dissatisfaction that follows the failure of expectations or hopes to manifest.

The only thing people are capable of is the act of disappointing. Everything they do, everything they will do, are planning to do, desire to do, is all going to crumble and end up in pieces of disappointment. The thing people are the most afraid of. Yet somehow are able to accomplish it a lot. Whether on accident or on purpose.

Plants will never disappoint you. And I am convinced certain animal species will also not disappoint you. Simply because it's not in their system, or because they don't have a brain. Or aren't intelligent enough.

Maybe I'm not intelligent enough to understand that people will disappoint me and therefore I should be aware and be careful and not spill every little part of me in someone else. Maybe I'll never figure it out, maybe I will. Maybe I need one more person to disappoint me before I finally figure out most of them are poisonous. Maybe that one more person will be me.

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