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And here's what my dad told me that evening when I was in a bad mood: "[..] That's the problem with people like you, they care too much about the insignificant opinion of others and that's how they eventually get themselves in bad moods and get discouraged because they think that everybody is judging every tiny bit of them. It is dangerous to care too much. Be selfish, put yourself first on your priority list, say no when you mean it, don't get discouraged and don't think you are the only one that is trying. Know when to give the right people your worthy love and how much of it. Don't lose yourself in spilling out all of the love that is inside of you to others that will immediately throw it away once you look away. You have wasted your time enough on people that didn't appreciate you enough.''

And that's why I love my dad.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Dec 31, 2015 ⏰

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