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Do you ever feel like writing, just typing or writing on a paper, because too much things are happening around you or inside of you?

So you just have to write to compensate that feeling of being full.

Feeling bloated and sick, like a balloon filled with oxygen, but the difference between me and a balloon is that a balloon is light and thin, and appears to be flying.

It does not have thoughts.

I tried to refer to the ballon because it's usually filled with air and that's how I feel right now but replace the air with phrases and letters and numbers and formulas and names and birthday dates and appointments and worries and on and on.

All named examples have the same mass. Explained with the help of my DIY laws of physics.

So it's all the same weight, right, but have you ever punctured a certain ball filled with air, and had it burst unexpectedly and the material that was before stretched to make room for all the air, had afterwards just kind of shriveled all together resembling something quite heartbreaking, you didn't really want the ball filled with air to burst open.

Compare the ball with my head for example. Thoughts come in of it, stay in there, forced to being tucked away, instead create only more thoughts, or none at all, you begin to feel weak, empty, full, strong, you don't ever know anymore, more thoughts gather around and more and more and more and more and more and more and more (...).

One time it'll all burst open like a thin piece of rubbery material forced being penetrated by a sharp little needle. Regrettably I can't come up with an example for the needle. And all the thoughts pour out, fly at amazing speed out of it and they can't seem to stop until they disappear and diffuse and become one with the oxygen around them.

Same like when you pour your thoughts onto paper, or in this case you use your fingers to type the letters that form not yet thought-out phrases but you already have in mind what phrase you are going to type onto the keyboard of your computer device and the machine somehow comprehends your thoughts into a little white blanco screen.

After writing that one thought being part of many, an infinitive amount of thoughts, you feel slightly relieved for a while.

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