|13| // Genuine Emotions

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|Setting: Dagobah Municipal Beach|

"It is Ryuma."




"Huh?! You mean... you're Ryuma?! The legendary swordsman?!" Izuku couldn't keep his voice down.

"You're Ryuma the Sword God?! The one who was said to have cut a dragon in half?! The wielder of the legendary sword, Shusui?!" Izuku kept nerding out until he remembered the sword on Ryuma's hips.

Izuku suddenly froze, at that point, Ryuma though the kid had instantaneously died. "H-Hey, kid." he shook the kid.

This made Izuku come to his senses, and after a little bit of silence, he spoke again: "Is... the sword you're carrying, Shusui?" 

"...It... i-"

"Can I see it?" Ryuma saw Izuku's fanboy side on the verge of coming out again, and so he hesitated.

"Let's... calm down for a second, can we?" Ryuma suggested. Hearing this, Izuku took a couple deep breaths...






...and then went back to what they were doing earlier, explaining Ryuma's request. Izuku stayed silent throughout all of it. Once Ryuma was done, he spoke.

"I see, so you want me to kill you because you're tired of living as a zombie. While I do understand that, I also understand that you are a swordsman." 


"Dying without putting up a fight as a swordsman is taboo. So spar me. Fight me. Train me. Until I can kill you normally." Izuku drew out his swords and got in a battle stance.

"...Very well, if you win, I shall give you my sword." Ryuma did the same.

"Perfect." Izuku smirked before he went on the offensive.

• • • • • • •

Hours passed and Izuku can be seen panting heavily on the sands, while Ryuma is standing strong, not even sweating, cause y'know, he's a zombie.

"Damn... I can't even get a hit in." Izuku said. 

As oppose to Ryuma, who was stopping his attacks right before it hits, Izuku have been trying to actually kill him, but as you can see, it's easier said than done.

Izuku was about to speak once again when he was interrupted by Ryuma. "Oh? Looks like I have to get going." he said.

"Hm? Why?" Izuku asked.

"I'd be burned to death if the sun touches me." Ryuma pointed at the horizon. The sun was just on the verge of rising.

"Huh? It's morning already? I didn't even notice." Izuku unsheathed his swords at the same time Ryuma did. "Mom's gonna kill me." he chuckled.

"Anyways, I guess I'll see you tomorrow... or later." Izuku waved goodbye and left. Ryuma did the same.

As Izuku was on his way, he had a thought, two actually. "I see, burn, huh? I guess that's probably my best bet in killing him. I'll have to come up with a technique for that." was the first.

Izuku's Three Sword Style (One Piece x MHA)Where stories live. Discover now