|21| // Slowly Building

925 14 3

|Setting: Kuraigana Forest|

"Huh?! What do you mean weak?!" Izuku couldn't help but raise his voice.

"Exactly what it sounds. If you're struggling to defeat 20 humandrills, then you're weak." Hawk Eyes didn't even looked back when he replied.

"Oh, yeah? How many can you beat, then?" as Izuku said this sentence, he wobbled and struggled to stay upright after suddenly feeling dizzy.

Hawk Eyes looked at the state of the student before speaking: "...Come with me." he carried Izuku on his back and started walking back to his agency.

He did this despite Izuku's attempt to decline the offer. 

Once they reached Hawk Eyes' agency, which was basically a massive castle, Izuku was told to rest up and return to battling the humandrills once he's recovered.

The next day, just before it hit midnight, Izuku was back on his feet and was getting ready to fight. He has recovered, but only enough to stand and move around.

Hawk Eyes advised him to rest for another day, but Izuku insisted, citing that he needs to get stronger fast.

The pro hero would be lying if he said he wasn't curious why he was so determined, but refrained from asking further and just let the kid do what he wants.

It didn't take long for a single humandrill to spot and jump at him. The baboon had blades on his fist, acting like cat claws. 

Izuku deflected its attacks with a simple 'Ogre Cutter'. This was when a bunch of other baboons ran in and surrounded Izuku entirely.

"There you all are, I've been waiting." Izuku said to the baboons carrying varying weapons. One in particular that caught his eye, was wielding three swords.

The kid didn't even have any time to process this before the baboon suddenly started emitting an intimidating aura and charging at him, sending him upwards.

The baboon didn't stop there, before Izuku could land, it unleashed a 'Dragon Twister'. "They're copying my moves!" Izuku said to himself as he deflected the 'Dragon Twister' and landed.

Izuku fell to his knees the moment he landed, he was panting heavily as he looked at the 20-or-so humandrills he still had to beat.

And so, with heavy breathing and a body already on the verge of collapsing, Izuku charged at his opponents, with the intent of achieving victory, and nothing else.

 • • • • • • • • 

"Fuck!" Izuku exclaimed as he fell on his ass, having just fend off 20 ridiculously strong baboons. 

The keyword being 'fend off', since Izuku only actually defeated about 7 of them, the rest ran away because they got intimidated by Izuku.

"This... This isn't... going to... work..." the kid could barely mutter out loud. "I'm going... to sleep..." he said as he lied down on the ground, passing out in mere seconds.

 • • • • • • • • 

When Izuku came to, he was still lying on the ground, only this time, he was inside Hawk Eyes' agency. He struggled to sit up due to the overwhelming pain he felt when doing so.

He looked around and saw Hawk Eyes sitting on his special chair, reading the newspaper. "Finally awake, are you?" Hawk Eyes spoke.

"...What time is it?" Izuku responded.

Izuku's Three Sword Style (One Piece x MHA)Where stories live. Discover now