|18| // Triumphant Victory

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|Setting: Sports Festival Stadium|

"I'll asked you again, do you really think you could beat me without using your fire?!"  





"...I can, and I will. I will win this tournament without using that bastard's quirk." Todoroki replied as he glanced towards the audience. 

Izuku at the direction the icy hot student glanced at and saw Endeavor, the top 2 hero, silently watching. He was slowly starting to get the situation.

Izuku got ready to let out another attack. Todoroki saw this and didn't waste any time and fired out another massive ice attack towards Izuku.

"You need your fire to cool your body down Todoroki. If you don't, you have zero chance in beating me!" Izuku yelled as he once again blew the massive ice away, except this time, Todoroki felt that Izuku's attack was weaker.

"Damn it!" Izuku couldn't help but yelp as massive amounts of muscle pain developed in his left arm. "I used 1080 too much!" He said to himself.

Todoroki saw Izuku in pain and thought that it was the best opening he'll probably get, and so, he charged. 

"Did my damn old man buy you off? Now I'm pissed!" he said as he ran towards the greenette. 

"Oh?! Todoroki is charging at Midoriya again!"

However, Izuku, and some other students, noticed that he was slower than he was before, indicating that he may be close to his limits. Izuku used this opportunity to strike.

He sheathed two of swords, leaving only Wado Ichimonji, before slowly spinning it with his hand. "One Sword Style Drawing Technique:..."


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"...Lion's Song!" Izuku timed his attack and struck right after Todoroki jumped, allowing him to get an easy slice on Todoroki's chest.

"Woah! We're getting some more action from Midoriya! A very solid hit!"

The heterochromatic student struggled to get up but still managed to do so. Todoroki immediately released a small ice attack towards Izuku, but it was dodged.

"It's coming slower." Izuku noticed. Todoroki immediately followed it up with more attacks but Izuku kept barely dodging it.

"What a back-and-forth! They're not giving the other a single inch of ground at all!" Mic kept commentating as Izuku charged as fast as he can towards his classmate, only one sword in hand.

The icy hot student tried to keep him away but was still damaged by the whirling wind attack Izuku let out. Izuku ran at Todoroki again, intense pain slowing him down slightly.

Izuku's Three Sword Style (One Piece x MHA)Where stories live. Discover now