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A couple of days later, Layla was still hung up on the last mission.

How Loki didn't try to escape or cause mischief but actually helped. It was messing with her. Why did he do that?

She had a hard time believing it was for the same reasons she or Thor did. He had never been that kind of a guy. It was Loki, he was the kind of guy who was notorious for doing things opposite of that.

It must surely have been a trick. A trick to get her to trust him, to let her guard down. He was aware he couldn't get down to his actual business, which was nothing good, if she was careful with him. So he was pretending to be good, so she'd stop being cautious. That must be it.

"Layla! A little help please!" Val shouted. She sighed and focused her attention on her. The farm animals had arrived yesterday and now Val was tasked with building them a shelter.

She raised her hand and immediately all the chickens that were running around got lifted into the air, the proof of her power, the green puffs as Hulk called them, around the animals.

"You know, I can't believe I have to nanny chickens. I never thought that would happen when I was given this assignment," she mused. Val scoffed. "You or me?" she groaned.

Val wiped her sweat. "Can't you just do your little trick and make it a whole?" she pointed to the hut. "I have to deal with the goats,"

"I can try," Layla replied. She honestly had never used her powers for something like this. She was never put in the situation to do so. With her other hand, she tried to complete the build of the hut.

The pieces elevated and started to come together. Then the nails all the things that were supposed to keep them together went up in the air. Pieces started to fall into their places.

Val cursed. "Why am I doing this when you can do it like that?" she panted. Layla chuckled. "Because it isn't in my job description?"

Well, it kind of was. She was here to help them rebuild and keep Loki in check. "Yeah, right. You're here to make sure Lackey behaves,"

She furrowed her brows. "Lackey?" she murmured. "You mean Loki?" Val grinned. "I usually call him that. He annoyed me when we first met," she replied. Layla laughed once again. "Well, that, I can believe,"

"Yeah. He can be annoying most of the time but his tricks are useful," Val continued. She could agree on that. His abilities were useful, that was for sure, when they were used for good.

Before putting down the chickens to their freedom, Layla also built a small fence around the hut. Enough space for the animals to wander but they wouldn't be able to run away. The chickens made a loud noise when they got back on the ground.

"Don't think about sitting your ass down," Val called, "You're helping me with the goats,"

That night, after dinner Layla gave another class to the Asgardians about living on Earth. They had made it a regular thing now. Every night, after dinner, she would talk about Earth customs and traditions.

She had now covered a large part of history, how to use the appliances that were brought and how the world worked. The laws, driving, how to shop. There were also a couple of coffee machines that were sent over and she gladly introduced Asgardians to the wonders of caffeine.

When that was all over they usually sat together outside, talking. People either drank coffee or some of the beverages that were sent over. It was nice to relax once the day's work was done.

"I wanted to ask something," Korg sat down next to Layla when she was talking to Val. "Yes?" she replied. He didn't normally ask questions she could easily answer.

Perfect Storm I LokiWhere stories live. Discover now