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Rumors spread of a blind girl appearing in Sparta out of thin air. How she landed upon the stone steps of King Lacedaemon's palace, stunning Queen Lede. Supposedly that blind girl was a Demi goddess who was brought to fix and heal the land. So they then carried her through the streets and decorated her with jewels and lavish silks as they praised her.
But I was no demigoddess and this was not worthy of a celebration.
Seated by a window, I felt the cool breeze blow through my hair. A welcomed relief from the heat that seemed to scorch all of Sparta. My bandages were starting to itch. I should replace them, but my frail fingers shook every time I tried. Apophis would reach me first. She was so strong and brave! And so cute. My hands bunched the material of my gown. Oh how cute she was! Her strong arms were never far from my waist. And she kissed so gently as if afraid to break me. I understood well that she was a supposed monster but were all monsters so sweet?
Resting my chin on the palm of my hand I recalled my home life. Such boring days trying hard to escape marriage. I rode my horse as fast as I could. Pushing the boundaries of what father found acceptable. He'd be furious to see me now. Enamored with the feared "Medusa". I gritted my teeth at that wretched name given to someone so beautiful and pure. But I wasn't a prize anymore! Not some cheap item for him to sell off! I knew this deep down but my fingers still shook at the thought of
I rose up on shaky legs. Reaching out with my hands I felt along the wall. Memories of that day plagued me, and a bitter taste rose up on my tongue.
It had been a hot day then as well. My father reached an agreement with the King that I would marry his favorite son. "The most beautiful woman in the land is surly what my son deserves." The King boasted and my father just agreed like I was a pair of shoes being sold to a soldier for the next greatest war. Meant to be worn and tossed away after serving my purpose.
But I refused.
I paid my maid to lay in my bed, had planned how I would run away. I thought I was clever. Rekeles would come for me the next day, and I would already be on a ship selling away. However, his brother was wiser than him. It was he who warned Rekeles I was too reckless and would do anything to avoid the marriage. So Rekeles came a day early and suffered humiliation of finding my maid. I didn't have time to escape and was caught in the forest behind my home.
"Imagine my surprise, beloved." He remarked coldly. "I had accepted to see my bride happily preparing for the happy day. Instead I found a lowly servant slumbering in her stead."
I didn't want to give him the satisfaction of an answer. Better to let that spoiled, pampered palace brat receive my silence. Irritated he provoked me and reached out, cupping my chin.
"Don't you know all treasures should simply sit still and shine? No one cares if that treasure wishes it was elsewhere."
"I...I am NOT your treasure." I bite out. "And I'd rather be dead than marry you."
How foolish I was. What good were words when he held the power? Humiliated, he held the hot poker iron, his fists trembling. And then all at once he stopped, and looked down.
"You'd rather be dead? Well, that won't do. No, death would be too easy for you."
He snapped his fingers and his guards grabbed me and yanked me forward. I struggled they were too strong. Clawing and trying to bite them I fought in vain.
Rekeles smiled. "Such beautiful eyes and yet your so blind. Unable to see what lies before you. Since you're wasting the vision the gods gave you anyway..."
I didn't believe her do it. Why would he blind me when he wanted me so? But he figured it was genius. He would keep me weak and frightened, yet I'd still be a beautiful prize for him to show off. It was for that reason when he left me to suffer the night alone, he didn't leave guards. He didn't believe I'd run away again.
He didn't know me well.
That night I received the mark of Artemis. She spoke to me of my fate and I was given the choice to follow it. Sit still and accept my life. Or fight for what I wanted by not listening to what a selfish man wanted of me.
I abandoned my fate. I was selfish. Fleeing in the hopes that someone would save me from this rotten man. Terrified as he sent hell hounds after me. And somehow I just knew where to go. Artemis must have blessed me as I fled to Apophis cave. I remember how easy it was to get inside what must have been a dangerous lair. A place heroes breathed their last. My heart rate slowed and I recalled one of the first things she said to me.
"Well, Constance, what foul beast is after you? I can't think of any other reason a foolish mortal would wander into my lair."
Her voice was commanding and yet a relief. As if she held the world in her hand and feared neither man nor beast trying to harm her. How I envied her! I was a pathetic mess, but she was so powerful! I laid my fears at her feet and she welcomed me in without hesitation.
Whenever she was around, her scent of water lilies and the sea comforted me. Perhaps it was odd, but her serpents were precious to me. How they curled around me or gently slide over so I could be nearer to their master. But best of all...was when she carried me.
My face warmed and I wished she'd do it all the time. Such thick muscles holding me under the smooth flat of my thighs. My cheek resting on her chest, which I was deeply enthralled by. She had the most amazing bosom! So soft and smooth.
"She's easily embarrassed as well." I mused out loud. Now that I could hear her precious serpents I enjoyed their taunting about our bed play.
I giggled to myself, imagining what expression my dear one made! How confident she was in everything but that! No need to fear. I may be blind but I was exceptionally skilled when it came to touch.
"Which is why you must hurry, darling." I whispered. "Cause hellfire will spread before I let that arse of a man touch me!"
Sighing to myself, I considered resting some more, but unease grew in my stomach. I frowned. I'd recognized this feeling. Last time it happened I'd been given flashes of a vision. I couldn't make sense of it then, but now it was so clear. It was odd being able to see so suddenly. My eyes had to adjust because colors and shapes were returning in mental imagery hard to fully understand. But I would recognize this form anywhere as she stood in the center of my thoughts.
"I don't understand." I muttered.
But I could see her. Not with my physical sight but in my minds eye I saw her standing in such a foggy and loud place. The sound of the sea made my ears wince and I searched around in vain.
"Apophis?" I spoke out. But she couldn't hear me. She clawed at the fog and I caught only a few words.
"Goneis?" I repeated. Was she speaking to her parents? If that was so...this fog was making her see something. Daughters of nobles weren't allowed to receive an education, so I spent most of my life listening for whatever I could learn. I remembered sailors speaking of a fog that was like this but why she was so anxious was beyond me.
Look closer, child. The fog is forming shapes.
I stiffened. Artemis was advising me so I knew this was serious. I focused my mind on the vision and there I could see shapes of people and events taking place. Specifically the shape of a young girl. And as my concentration increased I recalled that silver hair. The beautiful hue belonging to Apophis when she turned human on Circes island. So these...these were her memories?
"I don't understand!" I declared, hoping the goddess would give me further explanation. "Is she knew danger? What is going on?"
As she is my ward, I shall be the one to explain.
Like a gentle wind on my shoulder I stood within the fog I was seeing. Now I was beside Apophis and my heart jumped for joy! I opened my arms to embrace her, but they went clean through her and back by my side.
"She is experience the evil spirits released from Pandora's box."
Appearing by my side, the great goddess Athena stood in all her glory. I backed away from her in fear of being incinerated by a gods radiance but nothing occurred. It was like this world was all a mirage and nothing was truly before me.
I wanted to demand an explanation but now I could fully witness these foggy memories. And one thing became clear. These were Apophis's parents and she was suffering. Many times I wished I could run to her. Comfort her. But she bared it all alone.
"Her parents were awful people!" I muttered as I wished I could strike them.
Athena looked ok with dim eyes. "Indeed I disliked them."
But slowly as things settled and the memories shifted I started to believe in them. Perhaps Apophis could have some closure. She could receive the love she never had. I smiled warmly, as I witnessed her parents remorse. But Athena squeezed my shoulder and shook her head.
"This is the cruelest act by far." She whispered. "It's only showing her what she wants to hear."
"This...this isn't real?"
Athena smiled sadly. "No. Some of her real memories have been mixed in with fantasies of what she wishes would occur. Her parents did not seek her out. Nor did they ever regret their actions."
She might as well have slapped me. For tears watered in my eyes and my face fell. She couldn't even have this! Why was her fate so cruel? Sobbing as she came to grips with what she saw, I turned my anger on the goddess she considered a mother.
"How can you allow this? Do you not love her?"
"I do love her!" Athena declared. "But I cannot protect her from everything. Even gods are bound by rules. Any I wish this was true. I wish her parents regretted their actions. I wish it could be easily explained away. But reality is cruel. Do I let her believe a pretty lie, or force her to accept the ugly truth once more? Some tests must be passed!"
"I don't care about your damned tests!" I snapped. "I'm not letting her suffer. So you either get out of my way, or help me."
Perhaps I'd forgotten she was a goddess. For as she glared at me I realized she could kill me in the spot and not even lift a finger. But my darling was in pain! I couldn't give a damn whether my manners were the best. She shook her head with a faint smile.
"You're plucky little Oracle." She sighed. "And that is why I gave in and allowed you hear. It is technically not cheating for you to offer her comfort. If you can get her to focus that is enough. But you cannot stay here long."
And then she left.
"How helpful the gods are." I threw up my hands. "Help her? How?"

I tried to speak but nothing. Pacing back and forth I did everything. Jumping up and down. Stirring the fog. I tried to breath on her so she'd feel the sensation of my breathe but nothing.
"There must be some way to end this." I muttered.
As I pondered further, the situation escalated. I didn't understand why Apophis was so bothered by Rekeles appearance. But when a man arrived out of the fog dressed in royal garb it was like a carbon copy of my own aggressor!
But I wouldn't let him get his way. Screw the gods. I wouldn't let her relive this nightmare. I reached out with my spiritual power. I wasn't as skilled with it as she was, but I concentrated hard on all around us. These were evil spirits right? Then I'd removed them from our sight.
I thought of the heat of the sun.
"You're like the brightest sunrise, Constance." She'd whispered to me the last night we spent together. "Always warming me to the core."
"Feel me now, darling." I prayed. "Please feel me."
And I released that power. Light omitted from me for the first time ever. It came out like a wave and pushed back the fog in every direction. Apophis was readying to fight once more, but suddenly her aggressor was gone . Her breathing became unruly as if all her anxiety hit her at once. She knelt down, and I stepped before her.
"Please see me, love." I whispered. "Please."
"Constance?" Her breath caught. And slowly, she looked up at me. I realized then this was the first time I'd witnessed her monstress form up close. She wore a hood but her cloak was missing. Her serpents were mostly covered but I could see the greenish blue scales lining her pale cheeks. Fangs protruded over fleshy pink lips and fierce green eyes stared back at me. My faced warmed. Before I'd only seen her changed into a mortal, but this was lovely too.
I smiled through my tears. "It's me, love. It's me!"
She reached for me, but like before her arms went clean through me. Her own tears slid down her cheeks but she wiped at them with a shaky smile. "Wait for me, Constance. I'm coming."
I must have run out of time because my world went dark again. I was once more conscious of my body, and I caught my breath, coming back to reality. I felt along the wall and I got my bearings once more.
"I'll be waiting, love." I whispered. "See you, soon."

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