Between a rock and a hard place

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For the next three days, I pushed Constance. Hard. Warriors aren't made over night, but I didn't need her to be perfect. I just needed her to be capable of defending herself. By now, she no longer wore her long gown. I borrowed a tunic from one of the other sailors and added in padding for her chest. It would give her more fluid movement. Along with her arm guards and leg braces, she was well equipped for the dangers a head. I was so focused on making sure she was well protected, I was surprised by the protests some of the other sailors brought up. It was the fourth day at sea while I was working on nets and a bunch of them gathered around me. Tinus was commanding the others to adjust the sails and make way for the winds carrying us closer to Scylla and Charybdis. I lifted an eyebrow as they came to me.

"Why does the lass have to wear all of that?" The deck mate , Mecario, protested. "She was so cute before."

"Yeah." The cabin boy, the youngest, Aero joined in. "She looked like a sea nymph before. Now she's all tough."

My eyebrows twitched. She was still cute to me. Why should I give a horse's arse that they didn't think so? "Why should her appearance matter to you? Lydia doesn't have a problem with it."

"Lady Lydia can't see." Aero pointed out. "She has such a gentle personality. Can't we add something delicate to her outfit?"

I scowled so fiercely they backed away. And I would have continued to scowl that way, but after being with them for a few days, I'd seen them show nothing but kindness when it wasn't expected. I asked them to only get us to the Isle of Circe. That was no easy request, and yet none of these men grumbled or resented me or Lydia. They didn't have to help Constance around the ship or make sure she ate right. Nor did they have to entertain her with stories or help her during her training. In fact, they treated each other like family, and...I wasn't used to that. So I calmed my temper and let out a soft sigh.

"Alright." I muttered. "She still needs her protective gear. I will not sway on that. But...if you have some more of that colored thread you use for the sails, I can embroider her tunic."

They beamed brightly, but one of them smirked. Damias folded his arms over his chest, and moved forward. "You know, you know a lot for a lad. You can make garments and sew like a lass. And you have the strangest way of speaking. Usually your voice is deep, but when you speak of the Lady Lydia it rises a bit. Just where are you from, Medias?"

"A land you've never heard of." I rolled my eyes. "And my voice does not get high."

"There he goes!" Damias chuckled, swatting my arm playfully.

They all started laughing and I realized it did rise a little. My face warmed, and I tugged my hood over my hair and face. It was going to get late soon anyway and I'd been over using the glamour. I didn't want to push it and have my real face be revealed. Not because I feared them, but because for the first time, if a man here was turned to stone...I'd feel bad.

So I redid Constance's tunic while she wore an old grain sack, watching the waves push back by the front of the ship. I hurried along with my work. She looked far to beautiful in just that sack and I could barely concentrate. I pricked myself often, but in the end it was worth it. She changed and I secured her hair back with a strip of extra fabric. She stepped out to praise, and heartfelt whistles.

"You look beautiful, my lady." Leon remarked politely.

"She is a sight for the eyes." Aero breathed.

I smirked, and rested my cheek on my fist. Of course she was! I put a lot of effort into the flowers and waves wrapping her outfit. Vibrant fuchsias made up the petals and sea greens with gentle pale blues created the waves. They were right before. She couldn't see her new clothing, but as she let her fingers run along the delicate and unique pattern, her smile was so big it was more glorious than the sun and more enchanting than the full moon. Since the crew was in a good mood and the waves were calm, Tinus made the call for a small rest, and they brought out one or two instruments they liked to play. Constance spun around again and they continued to play their flutes. My lashes lowered over my eyes, and my heart thumped happily in my chest. I smiled freely.

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