Circe likes me. I'm afraid.

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Due to my injury, I ended up being carried. Worse, Tinus had to carry me because the rest of the crew was busy gathering up supplies to repair the ship. My face was warm, and I kept my hood over my serpents, but I could feel the crew grinning and leering.

"You know," Tinus remarked. "You're pretty light. I've never met a man so easy to carry."

I scowled. "So I'm light. I can still take you all on!"

The crew burst into laughter and Constance smiled a little, patting my arm. Huffing, I folded my arms over my chest and glared at the sound. Stupid Echidna's barb. Making me so weak and pathetic. How dare this mortal carry me! Though my face was burning and I wanted to crawl into my cave and die, my protests kept being silenced by Constance. I'd open my mouth to speak and she'd reached out and take my hand, making words faded into mutters. For the love of the gods, she had to stop touching me. I could hardly breath when her soft lips brushed my cheek.

Oh, imagine how the gods will laugh. Aspen teased. The Great Medusa, our beloved Apophis, dies from the kiss of a mortal woman!

All my serpents laughed and hissed similar jokes. My eyebrows twitched along with my fingers. Lucky reptiles. If I could strangle them right now their days would be numbered. But lips curled up and my eyes softened on her as she walked close beside us.

"It's a shame we've come to the end of our quest."

I blinked, frowning. Tinus stared on, watching teal waves crash against the shore and sunlight heat the sand. His eyes were serious. "What?"

"The storm actually blew us up to the upper-end of Scylla and Charybdis." He sighed. "We've made it to Circe's lair."

My eyes widened. I didn't speak or move until we reached the ship. I hadn't planned on dealing with Circe today, but this was the reason we set out. We needed to correct Constance's fate as soon as possible. There was no longer any time to waste. My heart weighed heavy in my chest as Tinus carried me to a wooden bench and laid me down.

"Alright men," He announced. "Prepare yourselves! We shall fix the ship and set out for Circe!"

His crew roared in answer, and I sighed. I inched up on the bench and rested my chin on my fist. While I appreciated they were willing to accompany us into Circe's lair, I would never let that happen. One, they were men. Before I'd say that in annoyance and revulsion, but now I said it with genuine concern. Circe only ever turned men into animals, apart of her sick fascination with dark sorcery. They would not stand a chance, and I couldn't protect them.

"You look worried, Medias."

I slowly drew my eyes to Leon. This old man was impressive. Most of the crew was tired and weary from the crash in the storm, and yet he carried on with gusto. I arched an eyebrow and smiled a little.

"I'm not concerned for myself, but this crew. They will not survive an encounter with Circe. I paid for them to take us to her, not to help."

He nodded. "Then will you tell them the truth?"

"I...I will have too."

He gently squeezed my arm and joined the rest of the men, crossing the deck to grab fishing spears, what they planned to use as weapons. As he left, Constance felt around and came to my side. Her hands reached out, boldly touching my face. I didn't dare breathe. Soft, innocent cheeks, and pretty pink lips. I reached up and touched a new blindfold going across her temples and tieing around her golden wheat hair, secured up high.

"When the ship crashed, I was careful to wrap my eyes." She told me. "I made sure saltwater didn't touch the wounds."

I sighed in relief. "So you weren't hurt. I'm grateful for that."

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