Shy Time

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Chapter 10: Shy Time

After with what happened with Yanagi on New Years you have gotten very shy around him, like any girl would with the crush

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After with what happened with Yanagi on New Years you have gotten very shy around him, like any girl would with the crush. He made you so confused about you guys. Are you together or not? Then you would remember what he said. Your head was going to blow a fuse!
You looked out the window, seeing the snow fall onto the ground some on the window. Outside looked beautiful but you where stuck inside cleaning your room. "No fair.." you spoke out as you saw children playing in the snow. "Well at least I'm warm~" you proudly said, and continued to clean up the last stuff. Then rushing to your closet and grabbing things necessary for the cold snow.

You locked the door and made your way to the park near your house. You shivered due to the cold, you rubbed your hands together and put them close to your mouth trying to warm them up then putting your hands in your pockets. "Almost there~" you said and smiled.

But my my, who would've thought that you would see..

'Yanagi?!? And is that.. oh god that's the whole group.' You thought to yourself as you took peaks and hid behind a tree. 'Maybe this is the aftermath from all the good luck I've had!' You thought trying reason with yourself while also trying not to have a mental breakdown. "Maybe I should just go home.." you whispered to yourself  "I could come back later!"
And as soon as you moved from your hiding spot you froze, due to someone calling you out. 'I'm seeing a light! God, is that you?' You thought as you cried inside. Slowly turning your head to the side and facing the person who called you out. Turns out they where Hori. You smiled at her then shook her, holding her shoulders and whispered yelled. "Why??! Hori why'd you do that!" You stopped shaking her and she laughed. "Stop laughing!!" You whined.

And in a blink of an eye you where with everyone. 'How??' You where screaming and yelling inside, but the outside you where very calm. "Okay now we have enough people to have a snowball fight!" Hori exclaimed. "Eh? That's why you magically made me come here?" You said, she nodded. "Boys versus girls?" Miyamura asked out "oo yeah!" You said

A while later each team where throwing snowballs at each other, you where having a great time, minus getting frostbite.


After that you all went to a cafe for celebrate the girls win and to warm up. Everyone ordered a hot chocolate and some snack but the second the got their stuff they left except for Yanagi. Slowly picking up what they did, you didn't know what to say. The two of you where quiet, you noticed that not long ago so quickly you had to think of something to say. "Um.. what are we?" You asked him, you saw him think then smile "If you don't mind, then my girlfriend?" "Oh I don't mind!" You said and smiled.

Words couldn't explain how happy you where. You with Yanagi Akane. He could only see you smiling and staring at your hot chocolate, the only thing he could think was you where very happy.

"So, princess, would you want to join me for a date?" Yanagi said trying to make the invitation to a date fancy. You giggled "Well my prince, what are we to do on the date?" You asked "The movies." He said and held out his hand, you smiled and held his hand. "The date is settled then." He smiled, his smile gave you butterflies. Was this a dream? You thought to yourself. After so long you have gotten to your goal.

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