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A/n sorry for not updating in awhileee but I'm back!

Laying on your bed and just staring up at the ceiling, thinking about everything that has happened today. It all felt to good to be true. 'What if this is a dream!?' You thought to yourself as you quickly got up and grabbed ur phone to text your lover. Just so you can make sure this is all reality.



This is all real right
not a dream??

Of course its real.
No dreaming

Oh thank god

A huge sigh of relief you let out, glad that this wasnt a dream. After you went back to daydreaming, you went and head to bed.

When you woke up in the morning you called Hori to just fangirl to her about how inlove you were with your beautiful boyfriend, while she did the same. The call lasted for an hour till you heard someone at your door, you had to tell your fangirl buddy that you had to go. Peeking thru the window beside your door, you saw a pink hair boy. Quickly you stopped peeking and your face flushed with pink. 'whats he doing here?' you thought to yourself. But that thought ended after he knocked on the door again, quickly you opened the door. While doing that you embraced him with a hug. He laughed and hugged you back.

"I missed you so muchhh" you told him while letting go and letting him in. He chuckled"you saw me the whole day yesterday though" he said to you as he was taking off his winter coat and hanging it. "oh um are you hungry?" you asked him but he pause and turned a light pink for a second then answer your question. "o-oh um yeah anything is fine with me!" he stuttered then smiled, you gave him a questioning look but made your way to the kitchen and started to make yanagi some noodles.

While with yanagi he just wandered around the house, his main objective was to find baby pictures of his girlfriend but ended up in her bedroom, he didnt want to seem like a creep going thru his stuff so he just stood by the door and just looked around her room without touching anything. "Yanagi! Your food is done cooking!" he heard from the kitchen and made his way there.

You place his food on the placemat of the table and placed yours beside his. As you did that he sat down at his seat. Yanagi broke the silence with a simple question. "before i got here where you sleeping?" you questioned him "no? Why??" " oh well you look like you just woke up." he said

It hit you. You never changed when you woke up, you just went straight to talking to Hori. "oh my god..." you said and started to feel so embarressed, just sitting there in your pjs while Yanagi was fully dresssd in non pajamas. "give me a quick second to change.." you told him, He nodded his head and watched you walk away then started to eat his food you had made for him.

It had only token you a few minutes to change but you still felt embarrassed about the fact you weren't even dressed when he got here. You made your way to the table to finish your noodles. But when you got there you saw Yanagi with a photo album. "How did you find that!!!" You shouted and quickly ran to grab it but he snatched it away before you could take it.  He laughed "You were a cute baby" he said and continued to look thru the pictures. Realizing you havent looked thru this in awhile you sat beside him and looked thru it with him.

You both laughed at some pictures while you also told him about some and with that you both finished looking thru the album. "When i go to your place I'm going to search for baby pictures of you" you said to him then walked to your room, he followed. "okay wait here. " you told him "i'll find some movies we could watch" Then jogged to the living room. Yanagi sat on your bed and looked at your shelf. It had pictures with you and your friends, and some with your grandparents. Then of course theres books that look untouched. But he was done looking at your bookcase when he heard you enter the room. "Okay so i grabbed a few since i forgot tk ask what kind of movie you wanted tk watch." You said placing down the dvds on your bed. "Theres horror, action, mystery, some old sitcom and another horror movie." You told him pointing to each one, He thought and cjose the first horror movie you pointed out. "How about this one?" he asked you. You gave him a thumbs up and stacked the other movies and placed them to the side"Let me make some popcorn real quick!"
That day you just hang out with Yanagi watching movies together. You enjoyed it, enjoyed his company.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2022 ⏰

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