I Wanna Be Your Man

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Upon hearing a light knocking, John got up from the sofa and went to open the front door. When he did, he revealed Paul, standing like a ghost, shaking from the rain.

"Well hello, Paul. Didn't expect to see you here," John quipped, stepping aside to let Paul into the warm home. Paul greeted him and John offered to take the lads soaking wet coat, a polite gesture he had learned from Mimi.

He led Paul into the living room where they'd be practicing. It was dimly lit by a window at the far side of the room, and was filled with comfy furniture and knick knacks, curiosity of John's aunt.

"Welcome to my house, McCartney. I live here, y'know." He stated cooly.

Paul self-consciously adjusted the guitar that was strapped around his shoulder "Yeah, I kind of assumed so." He walked over to the comfy sofa at the other end of the room and sat down with his hands tucked neatly in between his legs, looking up at John. John chuckled a little at how much Paul looked like a girl.

Paul blushed a bit out of embarrassment but decided to ignore John. "Will the rest of them be here soon then?"

"Probably, you're a bit early, y'know," John sat down in the armchair across from Paul and pulled his guitar into his lap.

Paul looked down at his watch that read 7:52. "You said it was at 8!" He complained.

"Did you actually expect anyone to be here on time?" John chuckled.

Paul rolled his eyes at the older boy. "I don't know why I did."

"You'll get used to us eventually, McCartney."

"I doubt it. I've only just met you and you're already a real pain in the arse, Lennon."

"Aye, but you know you like it." John stated casually, squinting at the tuning pegs on his guitar as he attempted to tune the thing.

Paul mumbled something and looked away from the older boy. John swore he saw Paul blush, but quickly dismissed it as it was probably just the odd lighting in the room.


The two boys sat on the sofa and talked for a little while until the rest of the band arrived.

Stu nodded a greeting to John when he opened the door for him and began to walk into the living room. He stopped dead in his tracks as soon as he saw Paul, perched on the white couch.

"Hello," Paul smiled politely at the boy. Stu ignored his greeting and whipped around to face John.

"What's with the new kid?" Stu demanded.

John saw this as an opportunity to introduce Paul to the rest of the group, who had already arrived. "Stu, Pete, this is Paul. He's our newest member." Paul waved at the two as John introduced him.

Stu ignored Paul again and glared at John. "What the hell? You invite another bloke into the group and you don't even ask us?"

"Well, Stuart, I think he's got what it takes and I'm the leader of the band so what I say goes," John said, crossing his arms and looking at the bass player with a smug expression.

"What does it bloody matter if you're the leader? We're part of the band too! You don't just get to make all the decisions! Right, Pete?" Stu looked at the drummer, expecting him to back him up.

"I don't see what the problem is, it couldn't hurt to have someone else in the group. We can play more guitar parts, and he can sing whenever John gets tired." Pete gave Paul a friendly smile as the ebony haired boy just stared at the ground awkwardly.

"It doesn't matter if he can play well! John should've at least asked us before inviting this new kid into our group!" Stu argued.

"Stu, all we are saying," John said calmly, "is give Paul a chance."

Stu stared at the McCartney boy for a few moments before finally giving in. "Fine," he stated, "play something for me, Paul." He said the last word with just a hint of salt, making Paul a little anxious.

Paul stood up from his position on John's couch and carefully took his guitar out of its leather case. He held his guitar and glanced at John before he began to play the first song that came to his mind.

"One day, you'll look
To see I've gone
For tomorrow may rain, so
I'll follow the sun

Some day, you'll know
I was the one
But tomorrow may rain, so
I'll follow the sun

And now the time has come
And so, my love, I must go
And though I lose a friend
In the end you will know

One day, you'll find
That I have gone
But tomorrow may rain, so
I'll follow the sun

Yeah, tomorrow may rain, so
I'll follow the sun

And now the time has come
And so, my love, I must go
And though I lose a friend
In the end, you will know

One day, you'll find
That I have gone
But tomorrow may rain, so
I'll follow the sun"

Paul played the last chord on his guitar and looked at the other boys, who stared back at him with wide eyes.

"I've never heard that song before, who wrote it?" Pete asked, slowly.

"I did, actually," Paul replied, rubbing the back of his neck nervously.

"You write songs?" John asked excitedly. Previously, he had been the only one in the group who wrote music. Hell, he was the only person he knew who was as interested in songwriting as he was.

"I write sometimes," Paul said, looking up to face John who was now standing in front of him with his hands on Pauls shoulders.

"You're bloody amazing!" John said, making Paul blush a little. John turned to face Stu. "He's in the band, and if you don't like him, you can leave the group."

Stu stared back at John intensely for a few moments before looking away and sighing. "Alright, John, he's in the band. But you better ask before you invite another random lad into the group."

"And what if I don't?" John challenged.

"Then I'll bust your fucking kneecaps, Johnny."

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