All You Need Is(nt) Love

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Artist above is sleepy_mcreallity on instagram, I highly recommend him <3


John met Paul on the roof the next day for what was probably the most awkward meetup of his entire life.

John said as little as possible the entire time and completely avoided looking directly at Paul. He figured that Paul could probably tell that something was wrong, but he assumed that Paul —being the kind, considerate person that he is— decided not to press on it, in fear of upsetting John more.

Damn that boy for being so fucking empathetic and nice all the time.

After that disastrous songwriting session, (which wasn't really a songwriting session at all, they didn't even get any solid lyrics down) John decided that obviously the best course of action would be to completely avoid Paul for the next week. John didn't answer any calls, made up lame excuses any time Paul came over to try to hang out, and didn't even attend any of the band practices. He wasn't entirely sure whether it was out of embarrassment, anger —at either himself or Paul— or just out of hurt, but he did know that he would be perfectly content to just never see him again.

Basically, he just wanted to lay in his bed, sink into the sheets, and never be seen again. He was having a Moody Teenage Girl moment.

But it wasn't like John was actually mad at the lad. In fact, he was mostly just mad at himself for being such a dramatic pansy about the whole situation. He had mostly gotten over what had happened at Paul's house, and he figured that Paul wasn't even bothered by it in the first place. John was just scared that he might've upset Paul by being the childish, selfish dick that he is. And well, avoiding his problems was easier than actually facing them, wasn't it? And in this case, Paul was a problem.

Until he literally couldn't avoid him anymore.

The band was set to play in a park in the middle of Liverpool and John was not looking forward to it. He already knew that Paul was gonna hate him and he probably thought John was some heartless monster and he was probably going to quit the band and never speak to John again and there was no way that John could handle that.

But he still showed up anyway because John Lennon might be a lot of things but he was not a coward.

(Most of the time)


"Aye, John! How'd it go with McCartney?"

John wasn't more than 5 feet into the venue before Stuart bounded over to him and started up a pointless conversation. John rolled his eyes at him and continued walking over to the stage where they'd be playing, absentmindedly adjusting the guitar that was strapped around his shoulder. "A 'hello' would be nice, Stu."

"Well I haven't seen ya in nearly a week since you decided to skip every band practice. And since when did you care about manners?"

Ok, he did have a point.

"...shut up."

"Well, how'd it go? Did you make a move? Did you shag him? Did he put up a fight? How big was he?" Stu wiggled his eyebrows at him and made a few lewd gestures with his hands.

John shot him an annoyed look and sat his guitar down by the microphone on stage. He nodded his head in a greeting to Pete, who was sitting in the corner, fiddling with his drum kit.  "Stuart, don't talk about Paul like he's some cheap slut."

"Oh, so when you talk about birds like that it's fine, but when I talk about your precious Paulie like that it's-"

John suddenly slapped his hand over Stu's mouth and gave him a look that said "shut the fuck up or the next thing to come out of your mouth will be teeth."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2023 ⏰

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