Here There and Everywhere

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Apparently, a lot could go wrong.

John wasn't sure what exactly happened, but something definitely went wrong somewhere.

He woke up the next morning with a pounding headache, and a burning pain that spread throughout his entire body. He groggily sat up in bed and rubbed his weary eyes, soon coming to the realization that he wasn't even in his own room.

He couldn't remember anything from last night, but he assumed he was in a lady's house, although she was nowhere to be seen—and judging by the fact that he was completely naked and there was clothing scattered around the room—he was pretty sure he knew what had occurred last night.

He sighed and pulled the comfy duvet around himself, trying to go back to sleep so he wouldn't have to deal with the situation. He wasn't in the mood to try to figure out how to get home when he felt like absolute crap; and he certainly didn't want to deal with some delusional bird who thinks that she's anything more than just a one night stand.

However, he needed to get home, and he wanted to do it quickly. The less time he had to spend with that girl, the better.

He finally got out of bed and rubbed his temples. He really needed some Advil, but he didn't want to snoop around a stranger's house looking for some. He wasn't that indecent.

He gathered his clothing and got dressed, leaving the girl's room and heading out into the hall. He looked to his left and heard the faint sound of a shower running and a soft voice singing Words of Love by Buddy Holly. Although John wanted nothing to do with the bird, he had to admit that she had good taste, and her singing wasn't too bad, either.

Silently thankful that he wouldn't actually have to interact with her, John crept downstairs and found the kitchen, grabbing himself a cup of cold water.

He looked around and noticed that she had very a lovely house. It was spacious and filled with pretty white furniture, and beautiful paintings that hung on the walls. He almost thought about staying with the girl, she seemed pretty wealthy. But ultimately, he decided that she wasn't worth it.

He sipped the his water and wondered if he could own a house like that some day. He definitely could if he became rich and famous like he hoped, but what if his band didn't work out? What would he do then?

He sat the empty glass in the sink and rubbed his eyes. Unfortunately, the water hadn't helped his headache at all and he still felt like complete shite. He wanted nothing more than to go home, put on a good record, snuggle into his nice, warm bed, and then die.

John suddenly heard the shower turn off and the sound of the curtain being opened. He cursed under his breath and quickly found what he assumed was the front door. He grabbed a couple of notes off the table by the door, and swiftly left. He wasn't sure how much money he took, but he hoped it'd be enough to get him a bus back home. He of course felt bad about stealing from her, but he had to get home somehow.

But he soon found out that getting home was going to be trickier than he thought. As he walked down the sidewalk, he quickly realized that he had absolutely no idea where he was. He assumed that he was still in Liverpool but he didn't know where in Liverpool. It certainly didn't look anywhere near his house.

The girl lived in a pretty wealthy neighborhood with large houses and beautiful front lawns decorated with flowers and luscious greenery. The back yards, John could see, had nice patios and swimming pools. John almost regretted leaving that bird, they could've had a nice future together.

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