Chapter 9: Sinnoh

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Childe just shook his head, obviously having another headache. He didn't know whatever or not these would be more common as the days went on. He got out of bed, and grabbed his mask.

He walked out of his room and saw no one was around. Not a single soul. Not even a worker was around here at all.

"Hello?" He asked out loud, his voice echoing. He sighed, taking off his mask from his face.

"Where the hell is everyone at?" He asked out loud, eventually walking upstairs.


Hilbert yelled out, waving his arms up and down. So far, 300 people have entered the S.S. Anne via Sinnoh. So this was going to be a rough day, he could tell and it wasn't even 12 yet.

He just sighed and shrugged his shoulders. "Okay I can do this!" He began to try to cheer himself up.

And there was a first man, wearing a large cloak too.

"Excuse me sir, but ticket!"

"Hey be careful! You could get hurt little girl- Hey where are you going?!"

She kept running to the board, trying to blend into the crowd. Her cat ears stood out definitely to anyone, so she needed some other way to sneak to the S.S. Anne.

And there she spotted the perfect way to do so. A man, but with a large cloak. She could sneak underneath it, and get into the boat via him.

She nodded to herself and ran to the man. She grabbed his cloak, and went inside of it. This was the perfect disguise if the unknown man got in.

"But ticket!"

"Ah here you go."

She kept quiet, covering her mouth. She couldn't let her cover down.

"Harmonia? That sounds familiar..."

"Well I have a ticket don't I?"

She turned silent, sweating as she held her breathe.

"Well yes but-"

"Great doing business with you boy."

The man began to walk, Diona decided to get a peak at where he was at. He was actually on the boat, and he was walking with a crowd of people. She took a deep breath in, and rolled outside of the man's cloak.

She immediately started running off.

The man with the cloak looked at her while she ran. "I swear I'll make you into a fine carpet, you freak....." He said to himself, before walking elsewhere. "Damn Tevyat......"

"Oh so many people are coming here now...Okay you can do this Barbara! You are the idol of Mondstadt! You can do this, so don't be scared!" Barbara pondered around the halls of the second floor.

People from Sinnoh have already began to pile up. It didn't help her and Xinyan's show will start today. The new people entering only made Barbara more anxious.

"Barbara? That girl in the church?"

Barbara flinched, startled. She looked around, left and right. "Who said that?!" She asked, looking left and right again.

"Down below." The voice said.

She looked down to be meet by a child. "D-Diona?!" She asked, shaking her head.

"Yeah." Diona just shrugged her shoulders. "I'm here to end the wine industry!" She declared.

"Wait! Aren't you a Vision user?" Barbara asked, getting down to Diona's level.

"Well yeah, but that doesn't matter. Is Diluc here cause of so than I'll give him a piece of my mind-" Diona continued to ramble on before Barbara interrupted.

"No Diona, having a Vision matters! This world-" Barbara lowered her voice. "This world doesn't have Visions..." She whispered to her.

This time, Diona was the one surprised.

"W-What?! No Visions?! You can't be serious right?!" Diona asked, showing her fangs.

"I am serious, Diona. Visions don't exist here. Instead, it seems like Pokemon have replaced them here." She answered.

"So this whole time, while I wanted to destroy this world's wine industry, I was sent to another world?!" Diona shouted. Barbara immediately covered the girl's mouth, looking at the walking passers.

"Please be quiet. We don't know if anyone's listening to us at this moment. Do you have a room?" She decided to ask.

Diona pulled away, allowing herself to talk. "No, I don't. I actually sneak into the boat..." She admitted.

Barbara turned pale.

"Y-You what?!"

"Hey you said for me to be quiet but you're shouting now!"

Barbara began to shake her head, rumbling with her hair. "You sneak into the boat?!" She whispered.

"Well of course I did! I didn't have enough money to buy a ticket, and when I did, they were sold out! So naturally, I had to sneak in." She explained.

"Oh Barbatos..." Barbara sighed, lifting her head down. "I suppose I'll let you come with me." She sighed.

"Oh that's surprising." Diona raised her eyebrows.

"Well I can't just let you be all by yourself!" She stood up, dusting off her dress.

"Well I have made it surprisedly far in Sinnoh, so maybe you should let me be!" She scoffed. "You know what, I'm heading elsewhere. You can try to find me!" And then she ran off, Barbara tried grabbing her arm but failed.

"Wait, Diona! Come back!" She shouted at her, running after her.

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