Back To Sinnoh

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On the road to the new heights, Candice and Chongyun were stuck.

"Aw dang, a wall. This was sorta expected for this place..." Candice sighed. "First stop ahead, Mount Coronet. Watch your step here and I really mean it." She said, tip-toeing away from a sleeping Geodude. "We shouldn't disturb anyone here, man or Pokemon." She reached into her pocket and pulled out a Pokeball.

Chongyun pointed at it, captivating and a little confused. "What is that?" He asked.

"A Pokeball. We use these to store our Pokemon when they're not battling." Candice explained to him. "I can assure you it's not a spirit."

"I heard that."

Throwing her Pokeball out, there came her ace Pokemon, Mamoswine. It landed down on the ground, shaking the ground, and let out a huff of ice particles.

Chongyun stared it with awe, glancing it up and down.  He reached his hand out to pet it, and almost immediately Mamoswine gave him a glare.

Before Mamoswine could do anything, Candice placed a hand on him, stroking his fur up and down. "Hey hey, Momo. It's alright, he won't hurt you..." She whispered to her Pokemon, reassuring it. Mamoswine looked back at Chongyun, and let out a snort.

Chongyun stared at Mamoswine, then to Candice. "May I...?" He asked.

"Of course."

He reached out and sent his hand on Mamoswine's fur coat. "It's very cold, but yet..." He couldn't say the last words.

"But yet what?"


"You sure? Alright......get ready for this. Momo, Rock Climb!" Candice suddenly yelled out, pointing to the wall.

"Rock Climb?" Chongyun raised a eyebrow. "Why don't we climb it ourselves-"

The Mamoswine began to dig through the rock wall with its tusks. Candice jumped on them, looking back at Chongyun. She gave his hand out for him, but he didn't take it. Her Mamoswine began to move up the wall, pulling their tusks out and 'destroying' the wall.

Once that was done, Mamoswine walked through. "Get up here now!" Candice yelled, her hand still out. Her Mamoswine rested, sitting down away from the edge.

"No. In order to strengthen myself, I will do this myself," Chongyun shook his head.

She blinked. "Now's nor the time for this strength stuff!! Any other time would be okay but not now! ONCE A WALL HAS BEEN DESTROYED HERE, THERE'S GOING TO BE A EARTHQUAKE-"

At a unfortunate timing, the ground rumbled underneath Chongyun. He wobbled, and eventually fell to his knees. A pile of rocks collapsed and 'formed' a 'wall', meaning Mawoswine's action was for nothing. Candice smacked herself in the face.

"Okay, can you hear me? In a second, I'm going to give you Momo and you need to just tell him to use Rock Climb than you'll get this through. Got it?" She said, shouting down at Chongyun.

Chongyun jumped and grabbed one of the rocks. "I'm sorry, but no." Was all he said.

"This wall is 7ft tall, you'll get hurt or worse!" She screamed out.

His eyes looked to another rock, jumping from that one. He kept a hard grip on the rock, while his legs landed on a bottom rock. Another jump, and another. Candice was getting anxious by the seconds.

"MONO! YOUR TUSKS! USE YOUR TUSKS SO HE CAN GRAB THEM!" She said to her Pokemon. It nodded it's head and walked to Candice. Chongyun could see the two tusks, he was nearly to them.

A few more jumps and he'll get to the top. He leaped to another rock, but that one crumbled and he lost his balance.

"Chongyun!" Candice shouted.

"Don't worry!" Chongyun shouted back. In his arms, was instantly a claymore. He looked at the ground, and slammed it down.

He stopped falling. He was hanging onto his claymore.

Chongyun grabbed hold of Momo's tusks and pulled himself up. He was sweating heavily, and by surprise he pulled out a popsicle.

"Why did you do that?!" Candice shouted at him, out of frustration and anger.

"My claymore...?" He asked, tilting his head. He let out short breathes in between.

"No, not that! Why didn't you grab my hand?" She asked.

"I wanted to get stronger...I don't rely on those creatures, Pokemon as you call them." He said, mumbling a bit while eating his popsicle.

"Is that it? By nearly dying?" She said, sitting up.


"...Chongyun, you can't just..."

She just stopped, not bothering to fight. Chongyun sat there, silent as well. Momo looked at the two's silence. He nudged Candice, rubbing his fur on her. She ignored it, but it was starting to get annoying.

"Momo, not now," She sighed to Mamoswine, trying to push away her Pokemon but for nothing.

The Pokemon refused to stop.

"Momo, stop please," She said, pulling away from it. It still didn't stop. She looked up at him, than back at Chongyun.

She opened her mouth, to apologize and then-

"I am sorry. For my stunt a couple of minutes ago." Chongyun apologized.

Candice gave...a weakish smile to him. "You said you need to go back to your world. You can't exactly do that when you're dead, I wouldn't want to imagine explaining what happened to you to your family." She said.

He stood up, and bowed at her. "I understand...Where to now?"

"Hearthome City. Thankfully it's fairly close by! We just need to get out of this place and walk through Route 208. Once we do that, we're in Hearthome." She explained to him. She pulled out Momo's Pokeball and returned him to his Pokeball.

"I see. Shall we continue?"

"Of course, oh by the way, are you willing to get on a Gastordon's back?"

"...I'm sorry but a what's back?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2023 ⏰

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