Save your tears

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this song is rly good.

i <3 the weeknd.

anyways you all, enjoy :))


Zero sat on the couch talking to Klaus.

Klaus notices Zero has a change in a mood.

"You okay?" Klaus questions softly, putting a hand on her knee gently.

Zero shrugs in response.

Klaus realises. "It's okay, I'm sure he'll be back soon."

"He won't."

"What makes you think that?" Klaus frowns.

"I just have this feeling." Zero begins to tear up.

"Well that feeling could be wrong." Klaus tries to reassure her.

"Klaus, that's literally my whole power." Zero glares at him.

"Oh yeah." Klaus grimaces. "I miss him too." He states. "We all do."

"Luther doesn't. I could feel that he was mostly happy he's gone." Zero snivels.

"Well thats just Luther, the self-centered shitheel." Klaus scoffs.

"He'll come back. There is still hope."

"I guess."

~ 24th April, 2019 ~

Klaus arrived at the academy and took a good look around for any valubles.

He looked through his fathers office and found a few things probably worth a lot of money.

"Bingo." Klaus smiles brightly.

He hold up a box made of expensive material.

"Told you I'd find something." He chuckles.

"Don't flatter yourself Klaus." Zero rolls her eyes.

Allison walks in. "Klaus?"


"What are you doing? And who are you talking to?" She furrows her eyebrows.

"I'm ransacking the the old man, what else would I be doing?" Klaus explains briefly.

"Hm." Allison hums.

Klaus notices a buff figure behind Allison.

"Woah, Luther, you really got those protein shakes in." Klaus walks up to him and squeezes his biceps.

"Klaus hand it over." Luther puts his hand out.

"Fine." Klaus scoffs and puts all the jewellery in Luther's hand.

"Don't get your little- I mean big panties in a twist." Klaus teases as he leaves.

He pulls the box from the back of his bottoms.

"Too easy." He smirks.


The siblings hear loud crashing noises from the courtyard.

"Daddy?" Klaus questions.

They all run out and see a blue anomaly above them.

Luther and Diego argue as usual whilst Klaus runs through them with a fire extinguisher and throws it into the swirling mess.

"What's that gonna do?" Allison frowns.

"I don't know. You got a better idea?" Klaus steps back a little.

And old man's face slowly turns into a familiar young boy.

They fall to the ground.

"Is it just me or does anyone else see little Number Five?" Klaus rubs his eyes.


They sat in the kitchen.

Five, the boy, notices someone is missing.

"Where is Zero?" He asks.

Everyone looks at each other.

"What? What happened?" Five becomes worried.

Klaus looks at Zero. "Tell him." Zero looks down with red puffy eyes.

"We went on a mission to the eiffel tower and she didn't make it. She's gone Five." Klaus explains sadly.

Five stands in shock. "Wha- No." He looks around at them all.

Zero starts crying again, her tears absorbing in to the purple aura of her skin.

She hated the fact that she couldn't hug him and he didn't get to see her.

"Klaus can you conjure her?" Five asks.

"I can't." Klaus bites on his bottom lip. "But she's here with me now. I could tell you what she says." Klaus suggest.

"Okay." Five nods.

"Tell him, that I misses him, that I spent every second thinking about him, if he'd ever come back, and I wish I could give him a hug, and that I love him." Zero tells Klaus.

"She said she misses you, thay she spent every second thinking about you, if you'd ever come back, she wishes she could give you a hug, and she said she loves you." Klaus repeats back to Five.

"I love you too Z." Five mutters only just loud enough.

Zero heard him and smiles with a tear rolling down her face.

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