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"Stop it... please. They don't deserve this," she begged. She never thought she would be on her knees, pleading for her life and for the lives of everyone on the island. She also never thought she'd be witnessing all these horrors in a place that radiated such joy and prosperity, not even a few days ago.

"Isn't that the point, darling? To kill is to cleanse. I'm only doing you, and everyone else on that stupid council a favor."

"Killing people isn't a favor, you asshole."

He harshly gripped her cheeks between his index finger and thumb, staring into her eyes as his shifted between hues. "You'll understand soon. You'll all understand." Her emotions were running high as she tried so hard to read his mind, trying to figure out his next move.


Absolutely nothing was processing in his mind that she could hear. She was at a loss. She was going to die. Everyone was counting on her and she could do nothing but sit there and take the final blow.

He let go of her face and now gripped a chunk of her thick, slightly matted hair, pulling it back to expose her neck. His index finger slid slowly across her throat, "A nice slice to the neck would be ideal. Quick and easy. Wouldn't want you to suffer too much, would we? But so much blood on such a pretty girl is just cruel. Extremely hot, but cruel... How about I rip off your head? I would love to keep that pretty face on display," he continued as he yanked on her curly locks. He breathed down her neck as he bragged about all the ways he imagined to end her life.

She could do nothing but let the tears slowly spill from her ducts as she grew more and more afraid for her impending death. She could do nothing but watch the blood leak onto the rocky ground from the dead corpses around her. Her mouth grew dry and her scalp was aching from the pulling, but she had no strength to fight anymore.

She was the last hope. The final chance at a win, and she failed everyone.


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