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Song: Ribs, by: Lorde


Dom turned the shower on that morning and wasted zero time hopping into the scorching water. She had run almost 4 miles on the beach and was feeling shaky all over her body. She thought she could get away with only running for 30 minutes as she had done for the past week, but Makani was there from the beginning to the grueling end as Dom melted to the ground in exhaustion.

Her sweaty clothes littered her bedroom floor, along with all of her other mess. She hadn't spent the time cleaning her space for the last week, much less organizing everything that she had bought recently. At least her mess was an organized mess, to her standard.

She rummaged through the 'new' pile and looked for a pair of cut-off jean shorts and a white bikini top to change into for the rest of training. Today's heat was not her friend and she didn't know what else Makani had in store for her.

"Not excited. Nope. Not excited, not excited," she repeated to herself as she walked along the boardwalk. She reached the end of the island and found Makani sitting against their usual palm tree with a large, dusty book in tow.

Dom attempted to use the tree as leverage to sit down, meanwhile her legs all but gave out on her the second she tried to bend her legs. "You're going to hell for this, M."

"I'll just drag you down with me, it's all good," she looks up from the book removing her thick-rimmed glasses, "Ready for training?"


"Dom!.. Dom, Dom, Dom! Be carefu-" The leaves on the nearby palm wrapped around Dom's foot, hoisting her in the air as though she were a piñata. She tried to hinge her body upward to unwrap the strong leaves but they were not budging.

The blood was starting to rush down to her brain, the lightheadedness settling in. Makani quickly worked to use a nearby vine to slash away at the tight leaves around Dom's foot. As quick as she was hoisted in the air, she fell onto the sand.

"Shit, ugh!" She loudly groaned as she propped herself up on her elbows. The small tank top was caught inside the strings of her bikini top and her hair was all over the place as she huffs. "I hate this."

Makani's hidden giggles soon turned to unembarrassed laughs. "Yeah, I'm happy you're having so much fun." She pushes herself up, now sitting cross-legged. Sand coated her bare stomach and legs as she complained. "Why can't I control it? Every time I try to use my magic, it kind of... explodes."

Dom had reached her peak frustration for the day. All morning she hadn't had a single successful use of her powers. Not one to be proud of at least. Every whip and wave of her hands, resulted in powerful bouts of earthly mayhem. It was a marvel that the restricted portion of the beach for their training hadn't been discovered by civilians yet.

"You're still getting used to your powers. You're feeling things that you've never felt before. Of course, it's going to be hard. Think of all those 'explosions' as your pent-up abilities finally getting released," she sits down next to Dom, her hand waving behind her back to drag a large palm leaf beneath her to sit on. "You've spent 18 years with all of that power dormant inside of you. Also, enchantresses are the most powerful mages in existence, you don't have to be so hard on yourself."

A frustrated huff escapes her lips, a lonesome curl blowing itself messily onto her head. "I appreciate that, it's just hard... really, really hard... Talk to me about, literally anything else, please."

Dom had her eyes closed as they talked, she wasn't in the greatest mindset and figured a little friendly conversation would be a nice distraction. "Talk to me about you and Tomas."

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