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Song: Wouldn't It Be Nice, by: The Beach Boys


The sun beamed an extra radiant light that morning. It hadn't rained yet that week since their arrival, but Kevin was enjoying his new tanned glow and the endless moscow mule mocktails.

He had worked up a routine. Wake up, find a new resort activity to engage in, try to find Kailani, eat some food, go to the pool, try to find Kailani again after he failed the first time, eat some more food, bother Kailani once he found her, get kicked out of the kid's center after bothering her, eat even more food, shower, and then go to bed.

His days couldn't have been more productive.

He had spent the first few days scouring what felt like the entire island looking for her. He had only caught a glimpse of her when they entered and left the building the day of the twin's initiation, but he had never been more infatuated in his life.

She was a pretty girl and Tomas had spoken of her and his training with her. Jealousy would spark in his chest thinking about their prolonged alone time together, but he chose to ignore those feelings.

The feelings he felt towards Kailani were definitely more rooted in lust and infatuation rather than love but he knew he was interested, and that's all that mattered. If he was going to spend all of his time in the resort, he might as well have some fun.

Everyone was always awake early, way earlier than him. Even Ray was up early, and he had no reason to be.

Kevin would sleep in and have a long and lonely breakfast in Dom's suite. She had the stocked fridge and Kevin was too busy with his productive schedule to go grocery shopping for him and Ray.

"Ms. K, can I go on the swings please? Can you push me too, please?" A young girl was pestering Kailani in the kid center. Kevin had chosen to take the scenic route to the pool and hadn't noticed this crowded children corner before. He was spending all of this time the previous day looking for Kailani on the mainland and it hadn't crossed his mind that she could be anywhere else.

He snuck behind the shrubbery and watched her interact with the children. She pushed the little girl on the swings and tended to some other little ones who were running around and screaming aimlessly. There was another man indoors watching out for the other children, but Kevin only focused on Kailani.

"It's rude to stare at girls." A young voice startled Kevin. He turns around to find a young boy, around 12 years old with his arms crossed. He did not look happy.

Not knowing how to react, Kevin bends down to the kid's level and comes up with a lame excuse, "Hey, buddy. I-I wasn't staring. I was just trying to see about bringing my own kids here, y'know?"

The boy was not convinced.

"I'm telling Ms. K." He sprints around the sharp bushes, ignoring Kevin's pleas.

Shit. I had one job.

Kevin starts to panic and is about to run off when Kailani jumps over the shrubs and immediately has him in a tight arm lock. He was so startled by her swift and aggressive movements he didn't have time to shriek in pain.

Once she realized who it was, she immediately let him go. "What the hell? I thought you were a pedophile."

"What?!" He lets out a groan as he rubs out his clavicle, which feels yanked out of place due to Kailani's aggressive self defense.

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