chapter four

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I sit quiet the rest of class, wanting to talk to the boy from therapy. He's sitting right next to me anyways. But I can't risk getting in trouble on my first day. So instead, I wait for the bell to ring and I talk to him then.
"H-hey," I manage to say, awkwardly, "I'm sorry to bother you you know Victoria by any chance?"
"Dr. Patterson? Yea..." he says looking at me with a curious look on his face "Wait a second! You were there yesterday. I meant to tell you that I liked your tee but you ran out as soon as I walked in."
"O-oh. yea, sorry about that. Just everyone was staring at me." I say shyly.
"Yea, I know the feeling." he sighed. "You seem a lot like me, and I never find people like us, so maybe we should hang sometime?"
I begin walking to class, as I nod. He walks with me and when I get to Mrs Ramona's class, I turn and say "Well this is my stop," and he laughs and says "No way, me too. Sit next to me and we can maybe chat?"
I followed him into the room and sat down next to him, in the back, of course.
Mrs. Ramona introduces herself, hands us a couple of first-day-sheets, and then sits down, leaving us to chat the rest of the class.
"Do your have a name by the way?" he says, turning around in his desk to face me.
"Levi. What about you?"
"Nick." he grinned, "but my friends still call me Nick.
"I haven't seen you around here before, Nick." i say, casually.
He laughs, "Well I could say the same to you, Levi. Well honestly, I just moved here around two weeks ago."
I wonder why he moved here, of all places, but I decide that might be rude to ask so I stick with "Where'd you move from?"
"Hey hold it up buddy. We just met, you don't wanna know my life story. Maybe some other time" he says jokingly, although something tells me his past may not be too lovely.

We talked the rest of the class but eventually the bell rang for third period. We didn't have third period together but I told him I'll meet him after class to show him to his next class. I know these halls better than him, anyway.
I sit in third period quietly, it's a living hell, like I knew it would be. My only friend was Emmie and she won't talk to me anymore. But now she's in my class...sitting directly in front of me.
I wonder if she sat there on purpose?
I knew I was going to be an outcast since I have no friends anymore. But third period is harder than first and second since now there's no one to talk to. I've been lost in my own thoughts all class, I don't even know my teachers name. Whoever the hell she is, why is she teaching me about a book on the first day of school?
Ugh, she's one of those teachers. It's the first day, for the love of God, stop teaching.
"pull out a piece of paper and write down the book you want to read." the teacher says in an annoying voice.
"What book are you going to read?" Emmie asks, turning around. I thought about saying "why the hell do you care" but instead I say "To kill a mockingbird."
"No Way! Me Toooooo!" she says in an overly-excited voice.
The teacher gets loud and says "Class, stop talking! Pass your papers forward"
We all turned in our papers and after around five minutes she says "Okay, these are your groups." She goes on to name the names of a billion kids I don't know and their group numbers. "Group number seven, to kill a mockingbird, is only two people. Levi and Emmie."
oh, for the love of God. if I had known that I was going to have to work with her id have picked a different book.
"Now everyone grab the book you chose and read to chapter five tonight. tomorrow we will be discussing the books within our groups."
Then the bell rang, it's time for fourth period, and lunch.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2015 ⏰

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