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"Yes Mr. Smith, I'm on my way. Ah, yes sir."

She ended the call.

Another day in her daily life. (Y/n) finds herself getting near to the destination Erwin ordered her to go by using a taxi.

'It's Saturday for fuck's sake.. But think about it, I always work on weekends. The only difference now is.....

I'm going to an amusement park for work purposes..'

----- Time skip ---

There she wanders on her own.

In a gigantic, famous, and...closed amusement park. Yes, it's closed. But she managed to get in thanks to Erwin Smith who gave her a special accsess to do her 'work'. And that poor secretary doesn't even know that the amusement park is actually not 'closed'.

The rides look dead, the lights are all almost off.

And now, she decides to stand near a water fountain, "Where is he ?"

"Don't tell me Mr. Smith is becoming like Mr. Ackerman.. Why is he calling me out on the weekend now ?"

(Y/n) sighs.

"It's so dark, no one's around either," she murmured.

And then.. her eyes caught something bright radiating from one of the rides. One by one, the lights in the amusement park turn on, along with the dim lights around the fountain, until finally, the place that was once dark and scary, turns into a shiny place that radiates happiness.

Her eyes go wide, still can't process what on earth is going on.

Unknown to (Y/n), a certain someone is approaching her with his hands stuffed inside his pockets. The person strides towards her ever so calmly.


(Y/n)'s heart skips a beat upon knowing someone is here, especially that voice...

"Did you wait long, brat ?"

His voice was surprisingly soft.

Still in an astonished state, (Y/n)'s mouth goes agape, "S-sorry ??? Y..You... What are you doing here sir ? I'm here because Mr. Smith called me, but-"

"That bushy eyebrows won't be coming. It was me who asked him to call you out."

She jerks her head forward like a chicken, "Pardon ?"

"But why ?" (Y/n) finally regains her composure, "you could've just told me directly."

"But that would've made you uncomfortable. Anyways.."

"..just come with me, Ms. (L/n)."

She was about to follow him when she realized something, "Um..Mr. Ackerman ? This place is already closed for the day." (Y/n) smiles nervously, thinking that her boss isn't aware of that fact.

"Closed ?"

Levi raises his thin eyebrows,

"It's not a damn problem when you have the free pass right here," he pointed himself before turning to walk away, beckoning her to follow him.

The secretary sighs, unable to predict what's going to happen next, plus, her boss' unusual behaviour today..

--A few minutes later--


(Y/n) screeches on top of her lungs as she and Levi ride the roller coaster. The poor secretary is holding back colorful profanities from coming out of her mouth. On the other hand, Levi, who's sitting beside her, only crosses his arms boredly as the roller coaster goes up and down whatsoever.

What's wrong with Levi's Secretary ?  [Levi x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now