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"So you're saying, we were both stuck in a bus stop in the middle of a storm back then, were we ?" 

(Y/n) had decided to have a private conversation with Zeke after work. At a small cafe near the Ackerman Company. To her relief, the man agreed. And now here they are sitting across from each other with two cups of steaming hot coffee. 

She frowns a little upon Zeke's question, "don't you remember being with me at all ?" 

"To be honest, my memories are in pieces from the shock of being.. alone all night in that frightening place." 

"Then how much do you remember, Zeke ?" 

For a few seconds, Zeke has an unreadable look on his face, "do you want me to tell you even just what I remember ?" He looks at her straight in the eyes through his round glasses. 


He inhales, "that guy.. Levi. He and I never got along, even when we were little. Just like now, he was a rich boy from the start. He has the dirty personality like assholes from the Underground, quick moves, cunning, and.. vengeful. All my life, I've grown up being bullied by him without a clear reason. Whenever I crossed a random dark alley, he would attack me and call me a peasant."  

"And with that quick witted brain of his," Zeke prozeeds, "he always stole my lunch or whatever food I have in my pocket, while looking down and scoffing at me."' 

(Y/n) almost pauses her breath, "no way.. Mr. Ackerman is not the type that-" 

"You never know what's in the past, (Y/n). He may be professional looking right now, but he indeed did all of those things to me back then." The man then sighs, "ah right, anyways.. One day that shorty knocked me out and.. dragged me somewhere. When I woke up, I found myself abandoned, alone, in a bus stop near the Underground. There were rumors that anyone who waited at the bus stop would be thugs' prey. That's my story." 

Silence fell upon the two after Zeke finishes the story of his past, just like (Y/n) asked him to do. (Y/n) only blinks in.. disbelief. Her mouth feels dry. As if she wants to say a thing or two about Zeke's past, but something's preventing her. 

If what Zeke said about Levi is true.. (Y/n) would have a hard time believing it. 

'I guess Mr. Ackerman was rich from the start, after all he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth... right..?' 


Just like the old times, (Y/n) enters the familiar picturesque house owned by the one and only vice president of the Ackerman Company. She goes straight into the living room, already having every rooms' direction mapped in her head. 

(Y/n) found her boss sitting alone, clad in comfier clothes, "Good evening sir. I came here as you requested." 

"Go ahead to my study first." 

"Yes sir. Then I'll start to sort out those books whose new editions will be published soon in the book concert." 

She quickly heads to Levi's study, managing the needed books. 

Her finger skimmed across dozens of books on the luxury shelves. Instead of picking out the books, (Y/n)'s eyes darted to a specific huge black folder on the lower rack. Out of curiosity, she pulls it out.

[Candidates for Personal Assistant Position] 

That's the title written on the front cover, all in big letters. 

What's wrong with Levi's Secretary ?  [Levi x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now