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She purses her lips, contemplating whether to do this or not. It kinda feels wrong to do it, but for the sake of her past that leaves her hanging in curiosity.. (Y/n) finally makes her decision. She tilts her body so that she's facing his sleeping form instead of facing forward. After mustering up her courage, she then called out to him,

"Mr. Blanket ?"

The man stirs in his sleep, mumbling incoherent words under his soft breathing.




"....yes ?"


Her breath got caught in her throat.

Still in shock, (Y/n) stares at her boss who just answered in his sleep. And to her dismay, not too long after that, Levi's eyes flutter open, meeting her (e/c) ones.

"I.. I clearly said Mr. Blanket, so why did you answer to that name ?"

The man only averts his lifeless gaze to the steering wheel, not even bothering to face her again.

"Mr. Ackerman, did you.. come from the Underground ?"

Unknown to (Y/n), his breath hitched.

"Did someone give you the nickname 'Mr. Blanket' in the past ?" (Y/n) keeps pushing him further to seek the truth.

Levi inhales sharply, "I don't know what you're talking about."

Her heart shattered. Now almost everything about her (Y/n)'s is bringing her to confusion instead of solution. The secretary may not know a lot about Levi's private life, especially his past, but the way he responds to her while sleeping really opened up something that is probably hidden.

---------------------- The Next Day ----------------------

"What brings you here so early in the morning, Ms. (L/n) ? Seems like something's up, for you to come here at this time. I'm afraid you'll be late for work."

"There's something I want to ask."

(Y/n) had decided to pay Dina Jaeger a visit before heading off to work, ever since what happened last night, her curiosity has been increasing. The blonde woman smiles warmly at the secretary, "ask away, dear."

"So, uh.." (Y/n) plays with her fingers on her lap, "did Zeke have.. any nicknames when he was little ?"

"Sorry ??"

The young secretary flails her hands nervously, "I was just wondering if he had any nicknames when he was a child. This is something related to my past, and I just find the need to.. know more about him."

"Well, to begin with, he doesn't have many nicknames from the start. Grisha used to call him 'My Little War Chief' when he was around eight or nine years old." Dina explained.

"Did he have some kind of fondness over a blanket, or something related to fabric ?"

"Of course not," a puzzled look takes over Dina's face, "why would you think about stuff like that ?"

(Y/n) releases a light sigh, "Mrs. Jaeger, I know this is a difficult favor, but if there's something I still don't know, could you please tell me ?" The way she pleads for the truth somehow pulls Dina's heartstrings. The elderly woman herself can't even tell what's actually going on. But one thing she's sure about, is... Dina isn't sure about Zeke's presence in (Y/n)'s past.

What's wrong with Levi's Secretary ?  [Levi x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now