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On Levi's way to the attend the luncheon, Reiner didn't expect that the traffic would be bad so the car hasn't been moving for the past 10 minutes, which brings torture for the vice president.

The man averts his eyes to the window.

It is a coincidence that the car stops at the roadside where Levi and his secretary played the prize claw crane yesterday night.

Levi eyed the machine, 'if I had gotten that toy, then she'd have fainted already. Because then it wouldn't be just 3-fold, but 10-fold.' he smirks to himself as he purses his lips, already making his mind, "Mr. Braun."

"Yes sir ?"

"Drive back to the office, I'm gonna take a walk from here."

The blonde turns around to face Levi on the passenger seat, "b-but sir, what about your luncheon ? You never miss it-"

"I'm out of here. Suit yourself."

Levi opens the door and sets his foot outside before fully getting out of the car.



The man doesn't give a shit and begin to make his way to the prize claw crane machine he had been eyeing before. His pale veiny hands begin to work their magic to win the stuffed toy prize that (Y/n) targeted yesterday. That pair of emotionless steel blue eyes now has a look of determination.

"Tch ! Almost there !" Levi muttered under his breath upon his failed attempt for the fourth time.

The claw always seems to always fail to grasp the stuffed toy.

He's busy groaning in frustration. Levi was about to punch the goddamn machine and just take out the stuffed toy for (Y/n) when a certain someone startled him.

"Gosh, you suck !"

Levi stiffened before turning to see who just said that. His eyes darts down to meet a golden eyed little girl around 14 years old, "what the fuck did you just say you little piece of shit ?"

"That you suck," the girl sticks out her tongue at him, "so move it already, Mr. Good-for-nothing."

"...Good-for-nothing ?"

She nods enthusiastically, "yeah ! That's what mom calls those people who don't go to work !"

"You brat may not know who I am," Levi scoffed, "but you know the electronics in your homes and the toys you play with ? At least one or two of those in your house is my company's product. To put it simply, I'm rich and better than you brat."

"Then why would a rich guy try to win toys when you could just buy them with your money huh ?" she sneers.

"Tch, not quite. That's not fair play. This only has value when it's won by hard sweat. So brat, shut the fuck up, it's time for me to focus."

The little girl stares at him weirdly. Never in her life she has seen a grown up man trying to win a cheap ass stuffed toy from a prize claw machine. If anything, most men would just look up the online shop and buy the desired prize. But not with this.. weird... short man in an office suit.

Closing his eyes, Levi inhales before chanting a prayer in his mind.

'Lend me the strength to win this shit so I could make my girl proud of me..'

His grey eyes immediately snap open as he starts to insert a coin, ready to play the game one more time. Levi inspected the claw crane's movements as it moved directly on top of the stuffed toy. He then smacks the button for the claw crane to grab it.

What's wrong with Levi's Secretary ?  [Levi x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now