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[A/N : So, I noticed that some of you are still quite confused about the things that Levi sometimes mentioned. It's actually from the past. 20 years before where they are now. I actually planned to spill their past through dreams and flashbacks. But I decided to just describe it all in one chapter so that you get all the point hehe. SORRY FOR THE LATE UPDATE BY THE WAY-] 

(20 years ago)

"Dad ?" 

The nine years old little girl wandered aimlessly on the streets at night, still clad in her pajamas. To top it off, she didn't bring anything but a tiny bag that contained unnecessary things. 

Her little feet brought her far from home, to the place she had never been before. A place where thugs, thiefs, murderers, and dirty pigs gathered.  If she wasn't mistaken, her dad once had mentioned the place. The wise man told his daughter not to step foot to the said area. 


To be precise, it's not under the ground just like it says. It's just a huge, untouched part of the city that has dozens of tortuous alleys that you could get lost inside. There's barely enough sunlight, even when it's in the morning or afternoon. 

The little girl shrugs off her father's warning, and entered the place. 

Wait, what was she doing here in the first place again ? 

Long story short, just before (Y/n) went to bed, her dear father strided inside her room and told her that he had a few business to take care of. 


I'm not sure how long it will take but I can assure you I'll be back in at least 5 hours.

That's what he said. 

And it's been 7 hours since he left the house, leaving (Y/n) on her own. It's near midnight and she began to feel worried about her family of course. So being a child she was, (Y/n) took a quick decision to search for her father alone. To make it worse, she didn't bring any object or weapon for self defense. 


Clueless, (Y/n) walked through the alley, holding her tiny bag tightly to her chest as if it's her safety charm. The more she walked into the darkness, the more unpleasant view she saw. 

Drunk men.. 


Starving human being.. 

And the list goes on. 

(Y/n) shivered upon the sight. The girl immediately regretted her decision to come here. She was about to turn and run away when her keen ears caught rustling sounds from near the trash can beside her. 

Curious, she took a step closer towards it. 

A horrified gasp escaped her tiny lips. 

(Y/n)'s eyes may not be able to clearly descry the sight before her. But it was certainly a boy. She couldn't identify his age, or even his true form. All she saw was a curling pale, emaciated boy dressed in weird white tattered clothes that somehow looked like a piece of ripped dress. 

"U-um.. Are you okay ?" The little girl ventured out. 


He stayed silent. However, those lifeless steel blue eyes looked up to her weakly like a stray kitten in need of help. The boy parted his thin lips, but no sound came out. 

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