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Annalisa POV

I lay in a hospital bed coughing up blood knowing I don't have much longer to live. It has been eight years sense I was diagnosed with a incurable illness, that is two years more than the doctors thought. Sadly I didn't get to live an eventful life, traveling from doctor to doctor trying to find out what is wrong with me. Doctor Maxwell the doctor to mine case entered my room with a dim face letting me know that he agrees that my time is here. 

"I'm so sorry Annalisa, I don't believe that you will much more time left with us." Doctor Maxwell Replied sadly 

" cough cough'"Its ok I can feel my time is coming to an end. Thank you for everything that you have done for me. I reply.

Doctor Maxwell gives me a sad smile then leaves the room to allow me to rest. When I open my eyes again I'm in a white room that looks never ending. I look around trying to figure out where I am.

"Hello, is any one there? where am I?" I ask 

"Hello you are in the between. You died too early and as a sorry we have decided to allow you to be reborn into a new timeline." A loud voice boomed across the void.

"W-What are you talking about?" 

" I'm sorry we don't have any more time. Before you go I will gift you with all your memories and give you the gift of photographic and eidetic memory, along with a few other gift that you figure out later in your adventures. I hope you prosper in your new World."

then I feel like I'm falling and the next thing I know its gone dark again and then I wake up. As I sit up I look around the room and relies I'm in the hospital still. 

'That must of all been a dream' I think laying back down. 

The door opens and in walks a man and a woman I don't recognize the man standing at what looks like 5'10 with short brown hair, and brown eyes walks in first and notices I'm awake and looks so happy to see me. The woman walks in next at the short hight of 5'5 with long brown hair with beautiful waves and brown eyes that are rimmed red from tears. As more tears fall down her face she looks up and smiles so wide rushing towards me.

" You're awake!" she shouts run towards my bed and hugs me.

"UMM hello, I'm sorry I think that you have the wrong room I don't know you." I state trapped under her arms.

" I will go get the doctors." the man stated leaving the room.

" Oh sweetheart I'm your mother. You don't remember me and your father or how you got here?" Asked the woman.

" No ma'am I'm sorry." I tell her.

The door opens again and in walks a doctor and the man from before.

"Hello, Whats this I'm hearing about you not remembering anything." Asked the doctor.

"She doesn't remember me or her father or how she got here." stated the woman who is my supposedly my mother.

" Well that could be from hitting her head when she fell. She might regain her memory later on or she may never." Stated the doctor checking me over.

" It looks like that her is all healed up the only thing wrong is that she doesn't remember any thing. I recommend  for her to take it easy and just help her remember, starting with showing what she looks like and who you guys are. If you have any more questions let me know. If she is good through out the night then she can go home tomorrow." said the doctor leaving the room

My supposed mother and father come closer to my mother digging through her bag and pulled out a compact mirror opening it up and handing it to me. I look through at it at all I could do is stare in shock at what I see...

I'm Hermine Granger from Harry Potter.

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