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waking up to the sun shining in your eyes is defiantly not how I wanted to wake up this morning but it seems that my mother thought is was a good idea to open my curtains and let the sun wake me.

"Good morning sweetie the sun is up so should we be." my mother sang to me.

"UGH good morning mom." I reply

"come on rise and shine we have so much to do in so little time."

"Ok...ok I'm up. I will get ready."

"When your done come down stairs for breakfast." My mom said as she leaves my room.

I get out of my nice warm bed and head to my closet. I find a pair of jeans and just a plain white t-shirt and grab a pair of black and white converse. Once I finished getting dressed I head down to the kitchen following the smell of fresh cooked bacon. Walking in to the kitchen I see my father sitting on the chair reading the newspaper and my mother at the stove finishing breakfast.

"Good morning dad. How did you sleep?" I asked as I gave him a kiss on the head heading to my mom to give her a hug and kiss good morning.

"Good morning sweetheart. I slept good, how did you sleep?" My dad asked

"I slept great to. So what is everyone doing today." I replied.

" Well while you and I go shopping your father is going to go to the office." My mother explained 

I totally forgot that my mom and dad where dentist and owned their own practice.

"well let's eat." said mom pass out plates.


after eating breakfast mom and I left to the mall to start this crazy shopping trip. we pull up to the mall and headed in. 

" Is there anything specific you want sweetheart?" asked mom.

" I'm looking for stuff that is more in style. Like maybe some new shirts and bottoms?" I replied.

"I know just where to go." my mother replied ecstatically, pulling my toward forever 21.

Mom was right walking in I see different articles of clothing that are more in style than the stuff in my closet at home. Pulling me to the back of the store where the dressing rooms are.

" You wait right her while I go and get you some thing to try on." my mother said almost jumping up and down.

"Ok." I replied waking into the room and sitting of the little bench that is inside waiting and wondering what my mom would bring.


After what felt like ages we finally finished at the mall and now heading home with a car full new clothes. when we get home the first thing we do is go through my closet and remove all the old clothes that I don't want and let me tell you it was a lot. After we finished that we put my new clothes in the closet and took my old clothes to be donated.

"ok sweetheart that is all of it. I'm going to go and start dinner. love you ." my mom said giving me a kiss on my head then heading out the door.

"Thanks for all your help mom, love you too." I said sitting down at my desk.


Todays the day that someone from Hogwarts come to and explain to my family and I about magic. I can't wait! 

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