Chapter Two

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Ririka..She was interesting, to say the least. Not to mention how pretty she was. Who knows, maybe if she kept her mask off she would be just as swarmed with people as her sister. Though she might not like that..She doesn't seem like the type of person that would enjoy an abundance amount of attention. And frankly, I don't blame her. That's more thank likely why she keeps the mask on. To avoid scrutiny. If that's the case, then I suppose her and I aren't so different.
At this point I may as well give up on the lesson. I can't stop thinking about her. And no matter how much I try to stop my eager thoughts and actually listen, she still manages to make her way back into my brain. I don't think anyone has interested me as much as she has. There's just something about her, something that intrigues me...Excites me..Although I'm not sure what...Maybe it's the sweet innocent glint she had in her eyes. Or the way she blushed whenever I spoke to her. Or maybe it's even the mask..Maybe that's what threw me off. But whatever the reason, I'll have to admit I'm quite fascinated by this girl.

My thoughts were soon interrupted as the classroom door swung open, and the student council secretary stepped inside. She looked irritated, though I suppose that's the way she always looks. That is, when she actually leaves the student council office. She almost looked out of breath too, I wondered if she ran here. She straightened her posture and gazed around the classroom.

Until her eyes fell on me.

I gulped and folded my hands together under the desk. "I'll need Miss Y/N L/N, please."

Great..I sighed and stood up, as someone tugged on my skirt and I turned around. It was Mary, of all people. She smiled at me, and I could see her glaring at Sayaka behind me. She giggled and leaned in closer to my face. "I wouldn't go, if I were you" I rolled my eyes and smirked as I pushed her back down in her seat. "I kinda have to, stupid." She grinned. "Don't say I didn't warn you.." She mumbled loud enough for me to still hear, as she released my skirt. I shook my head and turned back around, and walked towards Sayaka, who I could already tell was losing her patience.

We made our way out the door, and towards the student council office. I didn't quite bother talking to her, I'm sure she'll just cut me off anyways. But I was still curious, so I decided to try and make conversation with her. "So..Why am I having to come here with you?" She sighed and stopped walking, then turned to face me, with a light glare. "The president told me to come and summon you from your classroom. And whatever other questions you have I'm sure will be answered once we arrive there." She smiled and turned back and kept on walking. I didn't know how to even respond, other than just nod. I wasn't planning on arguing with a student council member right now, especially after the little encounter with the other one.

We finally reached the door, and she looked over at me. "Before we go inside I figured I should give you a heads up.." I raised a brow in confusion and adjusted my position against the door frame. "And what would that be?" She glared at me and sighed. "Everyone in the student council tends to be somewhat bold in their way of thinking..If they want to say something towards you, they'll be straight to the point, and won't leave out any details." I nodded and folded my arms across my chest. "I don't see as to how that would matter, but thanks for letting me know." She rolled her eyes and opened up the door, allowing both of us to step inside.

The room was extremely vivid, the sun shown through the windows as if it was trying to blind at me. I shielded my eyes with the back of my hand, and peered around the room. There was a long, desk- like table, where everyone was sitting, and off to the side, nearly a whole entire wall was being occupied by a huge fish tank. There were two empty seats left at the huge table, so I took a seat, after the student council president insisted I did. I sighed as I shifted uncomfortably in the chair and looked over at her. She really did look like Ririka, as both were incredibly beautiful, it was obvious they were twins. Although I'm sure that Ririka had slightly lighter hair than her sister did. Speaking of Ririka, she was standing right beside her. And of course, was still wearing the mask... The student council president smiled at me, and rested her chin on her hand. "Y/N L/N, right?" I nodded and swung my leg over my other. She nodded and her smile turned into a smirk as she leaned forward on the table. "Do you know why you're here?" I glanced over at Sayaka, who turned away. 'What a stubborn idiot..' I forced a smile, and gripped the hem of my skirt. "No, I'm afraid I don't.." She chuckled and placed a document on the table. "You've gambled against, and beaten, about all of our first years here at this academy, correct?" I rolled my eyes and leaned back in the chair. "Well if it's in the file then it's obviously right.." I couldn't tell from where, but there was a stifled giggle somewhere in the room. She smirked so hard, I was sure her cheeks were hurting. "I would like you to join the student council.." She spoke in normal, and calm monotone voice. My eyes had nearly popped out of my head. "Why do you want me to join the council? I have nothing to offer.." She raised a brow, like I just asked the dumbest question possible. "Oh? But Ririka thought you would be perfect for the student council.." I looked over at Ririka, as she ripped off the mask. She was blushing madly, of course. "I-I did not!" Her sister exchanged a manipulative grin at her. "Oh? Then what did you say?" Ririka's blush deepened, and she looked down. "I just t-thought s-she was g-good at gambling..T-that's all.." I couldn't help but smirk. This girl is full of surprises. Kirari rolled her eyes and turned back to me. "Whatever the reason, everyone in this room was in agreement with her." "Even you?" "Especially me" I gave her an amusing smile, and glanced over at Sayaka. "By the look on her face, I don't think it was everyone" Kirari let out a deep, yet soft and gentle giggle. "Well, majority rules.." I grinned as Sayaka stood up. "P-president I-I didn't mean to-" "Enough, Sayaka.." I licked my dried lips, as she did as she said. I then sighed and looked back over at the president, until my eyes fell back towards Ririka. I smiled gently, and she looked away, while pouting slightly. "Well, as much as I appreciate the offer, I'll have to decline." A girl with short black hair, and an eyepatch on stood up. Midari, I think her name was. "Why? Don't you want to be able to boss people around all day?" I smirked and chuckled lowly as I looked down, and then back up. "I take it that's why you're here? To boss people around?" She scoffed and sat back down. "No..Of course not.." I bit my lip and sighed, as another girl stood up. She had platinum blonde hair, like the twins, but it was a little darker. And she was wearing an orange hoodie, that didn't even fit her. "Nyahahah! Or you could join us and play games all day!" I stared at her, for at least a sold minute before clearing my throat and looking over at Kirari and Ririka. "You guys really let a nine year old join the student council?" A few giggles echoed the room, and Kirari grinned. "No, I'm afraid we are a little more picky than that." The girl stood up on her chair and glared at Kirari and I,  "I'm literally 18! Bitch!" I bit my lip to keep from laughing, as I looked around at everyone again. My eyes circled the room, eyeing everyone with precaution. I turned back to Ririka who was staring a me with an innocent flush making its way across her face. I then turned to glance at her sister, who was still smiling, a devilish look in her eyes. "Would you mind if I could have some time to think about it first?" Ririka clutched the edge of her mask and looked down, as Kirari grinned. "Of course, that's completely fine. Right? Sis~" Ririka flinched and shakily looked up at me and she gulped and nodded. "T-that's fine.." Everyone nodded, and looked back to me, with menacing smirks and glares. "Let us know once you've made up your mind." I shook my head in response, and stood up from my chair and walked over to the doorway, before someone jogged up to me. I glanced over my shoulder, and saw Ririka standing there, her mask back on her face. "Thanks for taking it into consideration, we- I appreciate it.." I smiled and took off her mask and her eyes bulged. "Your welcome, but next time you talk to me, leave off the mask." She nodded quickly, as I handed it back to her and walked out of the door. I smirked as I made my way to my next class. I heard commotion coming from inside one of the club rooms, but I decided not to pay any attention to it. I froze in place as the door to the club room swung open, and I saw Mary and Ryota standing there. I looked them over, with high standard suspicion. Until there were footsteps behind them, and Yumeko appeared beside them, beaming widely. Although something seemed off..And that's when I noticed..
Yumeko had a house pet tag around her neck.

A/N- Okay, so I figured I needed to mention this sooner, but I'll do it now instead. Mary is Not a house pet in this chapter, but Ryota is. I made it so that Yumeko and Mary never gambled, so neither one of them were house pets until now. But in order to do that I had to make it so that Mary never challenged Yuriko to a gamble, it was Just Yumeko.

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