Chapter 20

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Y/N's Pov-


Her confident expression seemed to falter, remembering the terms we were left on before. She motioned to her arm, weakly smiling.

"AB negative, just what you need, right?"

I shook my head.

"Yumeko, I swear to god if you're kidding around-"

"I would never"

My weary eyes fluttered out water, as I looked up at the black haired devil.

"Normally, I would yell at you, stab you with the syringe and then slam the door in your face, but.."

My breath shaky, and my body hot, my eyes averted to my father.

Still, and motionless on the bed. I knew if I didn't act fast, he would remain still and motionless forever.

I sighed. "Yumeko, I don't know why you're here, how you got here, or why you bother trying to help. But by all means, if you're offering, Then please, help.Me."


The last thing I saw before she was escorted out of the room by the doctor, was not Yumeko, the heartless jerk who tried to ruin my life.

I saw Yumeko, the friend who promised to help me whenever I needed it, and who would risk her everything for my anything.

Maybe she came to her senses..
It was crowded in the waiting room. The smell of chemicals and the horrifying stench of dead mortals and rotting flesh made my head ache.

In the corner, there was a family crying over their now dead grandfather.

Standing in the front, was an old civilian protesting about not being able to smoke indoors.

Off to the side, was a blonde haired girl, whose bangs hung low on her face. Her head faced down, and her pigtails on either side of her head draped over her ears. Blocking any source of vision.

I swallowed, hard, and walked silently over to her.

"Mary? Hey..." My presence made her head lift up, and she frowned.


I took a seat beside her, the uncomfortable chair making my posture appear obstreperous. I fiddled with the hem of my skirt, sifting through ways in my head on how to diffuse the awkwardness. It was fine earlier today, we made up to each other and everything. Obviously the situation now was a lot worse, but what can you do, huh?

"Look, Mary..I'd rather not think about what's going on in that room, but I do need to talk to you."

She cleared her throat. "What's there to talk about?"

I shrugged.

"How'd you know what was going on? How'd you get here? Why are you here? Why is Yumeko here? Did you bring her? Is Ryota with you? Did-"

"I knew you were here because you live down my street and I saw what was happening out front. I got here by running. I'm here because your my friend and I care about you. Yumeko is here because she wants to try and fix things with you. I ran to her house, she also lives down your street, so yes I brought her. Ryota is out trying to find you an apology gift, because he's weird and can't handle blood. And if you ask me one more question, I'm leaving."

I chuckled at her last statement. I looked towards her, noticing a small smile on her face.

"I was worried, when I saw what was happening. I panicked and..And I came here. I didn't know what to do, so I brought Yumeko along with me. I know you two aren't on good terms but, maybe this is the chance to try and fix it." I couldn't help but grin. I reached over for her hand and stood up. She looked up at me reluctantly.

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