Chapter 6

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Y/N's Pov-

I went to sleep that night, hundreds if not even thousands of thoughts scattering around in my brain. Some about the student council deal, and then some, if not all, about my dad. You'd think that since his odd behavior was now a routine, I would just ignore it, and pretend that it's normal. But I can't, I'm not like that. There's about three types of people you'll encounter in this world. There's some people, who you care so much about, and make sure to show it to them. Then there's some people, who let's just say..You wouldn't mind..Not existing? I believe that's the best way to say it, honestly. But then there's other people, kinda like my dad, who you might give off the wrong vibe to sometimes, but you secretly do care deeply about them from afar, just, for some reason choose not to show it. I know there's something wrong with him, this can't just be some average grieving. I've stayed up all night researching the side affects people have after a lost of a loved one, but..It doesn't exactly match dad's symptoms, or at least I suppose that's what they are. Who knows, really. I guess I'll just have to dwell on this more. You know, when I have free time. Or when my alarm clock doesn't say 2:32 in the morning. I'm really going to have to improve my sleep schedule. And if I'm going to be joining the student council, I'm sure I'm going to have extra work too. So I'll need to at least get a decent amount of sleep now during school days. It's like my brain never shuts down at night. I've even tried taking pills, or sleeping medication, but nothing seems to work. So I'm stuck here, getting usually about three hours of sleep at night.

I yawned and glance over at the clock. It's now 2:35?..Great..I shivered and hugged my blanket around me closely, as a wave of penetrating cold air rushed by me, just grazing the skin on my shoulders. For summer, in mid July, it sure is cold at night. I licked my lips and tucked my knees into my chest. My h/c hair flowing down beside me, and resting on the pillows. I remembered that moment with Kirari in the hallway, how her touch melted on my skin when she cupped my face in her hands...I wish I could feel that again. It felt so perfect then, like I had no other worry in the world. It all just faded..Like her warm touch when she pulled her hands away.

It kinda reminded me of when my mom hugged me for the last time. She had that same warm touch, then she let go..And it suddenly grew eerily cold.

The wind picked up speed, as it flew by me once again. Maybe there was an open window somewhere. It can't be that cold in the summer, that's just not normal. I sighed and threw back my covers, and stepped off the bed, and made my way over to the door. It slid open with a disturbing creak, and I winced. I didn't want to wake anyone up. Just because I can't get any sleep, doesn't mean I should ruin someone else's chance of getting any. I closed the door and heaved a steady breath and slowly walked downstairs, making sure to stay quiet as possible. I reached the end of the huge staircase, and glanced around for any open windows. Guess I'll just have to check every room till I find out where it is. I decided to first check the living room, seeing as it appeared colder in there than anywhere else in the house. I made sure to check every window, and nothing. They were are all tightly shut. I sighed and flicked my hair out of my face, until I heard some sort of noise coming from the kitchen. I bit the inside of my cheek and creeped around the corner, until I raised a brow and sighed. It was just Alice. But why the hell was she up so late? Or I guess it'd be early now..I'm not even sure really.

"Alice? What are you doing in here?" She gasped and looked over at me, with a hand across her chest. "Goodness Y/N, you scared me.." I smiled and walked over to the island that sat in the middle of the kitchen. "Sorry, I was just.." She looked at me with confusion and then she chuckled. "Couldn't sleep?" I nodded, and took a seat at the bar of the kitchen. "I suppose you could say that." She sighed gingerly and handed me a glass of water. "Here, that should cool you off." I raised a brow and took a sip of the water. "What do you mean by 'cool off', I'm cold" She grinned and rested against the counter. "You look all red in the face, I thought you must of been hot." I shook my head and sighed. "No..I'm just stressed that's all, with school and.." "Your father.." I looked up at her with and amused look. "How did you know?" She smiled faintly, though I could tell her soft wall was cracking. "I've been serving your family since your grandfather first built this house, Y/N. Your family is as dear to me as anything. Your mother's death was one of the most tragic things that's ever happened to me..And then having to watch your father slowly begin to break..Oh Y/N, it's heartbreaking. I can only imagine how hard it is for you to handle all of this." I nodded and gazed into my water glass, and closed my eyes, steading a breath. "I..Appreciate your concern, really..But I'm fine, I'm just worried about dad.." She smiled and placed her hand on top of mine, causing me to flinch. She had a warm touch too..Just like mom.

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