Chapter 2

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Koga: Who... Are you?

???: That sword of yours has been in your family for how many generations? No one has mentioned my name?

Koga: Not really no. 

???: That's really upsetting.

Koga: Where am I and who are you anyway?

???: I am Raimeki. As for where you are, you're in your mind.

Koga: What do you mean?

Raimeki: After your fight with Budo, you were punched off a bridge and landed into the water and went unconscious. That's when you entered your own conscious.

Koga: Well how do I get out of my mind? I have a great general to kill!

Raimeki: How about a thank you? If it wasn't for me, you would be dead!

Koga: What do you mean?

Yellow lightning zoomed passed him Koga and left him speechless. In Raimeki's hand, was Kogas' katana.

Raimeki: Do you believe me now? 

Koga: ...What are you?

Raimeki: Hmmm... I'm an imperial arm.

Koga: A what?

Raimeki: An imperial arm. A legendary weapon that could rival that of armies. If the user and the weapon are compatible, the user is granted increbile power and abilities. And from my small demonstration, I am an imperial arm.

Koga: If you were that sword of mine and have all this power, why has no one in my family use it or spread word of it?

Raimeki: That's of 2 reasons. The first: the first person to ever use my power was Kazumasa Hakate.

Koga: When my family first started. That was over 300 years ago.

Raimeki: he used to serve in the imperial army. The one Budo fights in now. But he left the army and settled down. He also knew that if anyone were to learn of its power, it could prove deadly if in the wrong hands. So, there were no records of my power. The second has to deal with the you.

Koga: Me?

Raimkei: Not everyone can acquire this power of mine. Believe it or not, you're the 2nd person to ever weild my power. Or at least a portion of it.

Koga: That long? Why?

Raimkei: Not everyone can weild these weapons you know. There are requirements for them. An example is having a strong affinity and if the weapon accepts you. From there, you get access to its power and your skills increase. Do you not remember your fight with Budo?

Koga: No. Not really. After he went to punch my face after I gave up, everything just became a blur.

Raimkei: So you don't remember what happened. Well I'll tell you what happened. 

She went on and told Koga everything during his fight with Budo. She even showed him after images of their fight. Koga was speechless as he was able to do this powerful thing, but he also felt furious about it.

Raimkei: What are you so furious at?

Koga: What's the point of me having power if I couldn't even kill the man who went to war with my village and killed my cousin.

Raimkei: He's had years of training with his Adramelic. He achieved the rank of great general for a reason. You only used a very small portion of my power any way. You stopped using it because your body couldn't handle any more of it. If it did, you would've been dead.

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