Chapter 5

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Koga looked around found himself surrounded by 5 other imperial arms users. He looked at each one of them while having his hand on his katana handle. He wanted to be ready to fight if he had to.

???: It seems this guy took care of Zanku for us...

???: Well now what? We can't exactly let him go. He might be sided with the empire.

Koga: Then it seems we're at a stalemate

Through the metal strings of the barrier, Akame takes a few steps forward.

Akame: I take it you were the one who killed Zanku?

Koga: So what if I am?

Akame: That lightning... Was that you as well?

Koga: I'm not obligated to tell you anything.

Akame: Fine. Have it your way. But we are taking Zanku's imperial arms back with us.

Koga: That's fine with me. Go ahead and take it. I have no use for it.

Koga turns around and starts to walk back, but he only made more tension.

Akame: I wouldn't do that. Make one wrong move and our marksmen will fire. Regardless if you're not a target.

Koga: (Laughs) You say she'll shoot me? If she does fire a shot, I'll drop her and come back here before the bullet hits the floor.

He said as he turned to the girl with pink hair aiming her gun at him. He was smirking beneath his mask. He turned his attention back to Akame.

Koga: My business is not with you. We don't need conflict. 

Akame: How do I know if you won't attack us?

Koga: If I wanted to have fought you, I would've done it by now.

The two just give glares with each other. No one wanted to break their silence. Akame kept looking into Kogas' left eye as Koga looked into hers.

Akame: Let him go.

???: What? Just like that?

Akame: We have what we need. He's no threat to us. Remove the barrier and stand down.

???: Fine.

The metal string gets rounded back to the boy with metal gloves. Koga scuffs as he turns around and slowly starts to walk away. He stepped one foot out of the area until the blonde-haired woman spoke up.

???: Y'know, since you killed Zanku, I can only assume that you're fighting for the same thing we are. Why not join us?

Koga: Don't get the wrong idea. I only killed him because he was going on a murdering spree. I killed him out of reason. We have different goals.

Koga then walked off into the night and whistled back for his horse. His horse ran to his whistle and Koga mounted his horse before riding out of the capital and back into the countryside. The moon that shined red returned to its regular color.

The next day, Koga was our riding and looking for an opponent to fight. But he found no luck. He rested against a rock until he felt a presence coming up from behind him.

He stood up and readied his weapon and took a fighting stance.

Koga: That's close enough! Come on out!

Through the bushes, the same blonde-haired woman walked out with a smile on her face.

Koga: You? What are you doing out here?

???: You thought you could get away from us? I have the traits of an animal. I can smell you for miles.

Koga: What do you want from me?

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