Chapter 7

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Yarikawa is safe from Temuge. The people spent all night gathering their dead soldiers and civilians before burying them and saying a prayer. Koga drank a sugar drink to stay awake. As a fellow warrior who knows what it's like to lose one's family. He couldn't let that happen to this province.

Morning came and Koga met up with Ujimasa outside his mansion. He quickly tied his hair in a ponytail before Ujimasa walked out.

Ujimasa: Even if you are from the Ashina clan, Yarikawa wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you

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Ujimasa: Even if you are from the Ashina clan, Yarikawa wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you. Thank you.

Koga: No need. We all need to stand up to oppression. 

Ujimasa: Your armor was destroyed. It looked like something from your old province.

Koga: A necessary sacrifice. Without sacrifice, there can be no victory.

Ujimasa: Indeed. Come with me. I want to show you something.

He leads Koga into his mansion and the guards all bow to them. Ujimasa leads Koga into a back room where an altered version of Koga's armor was resting.

Ujimasa: Try it on and see how it fits.

Ujimasa leaves Koga and closes the door. Koga slowly walks up to the new armor he's given. he tasks off his old black plates on his arms and legs before putting on his new armor.

 he tasks off his old black plates on his arms and legs before putting on his new armor

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Koga looks in the mirror. He analyses his new armor. It may have looked like his old set of armor, but there were some differences.

For starters, the armor was lighter than his other one. He had a great range with his moves and it allowed him more flexibility and movement.

Koga: How do I look?

Ujimasa: Like someone from Yarikawa. If you don't like the color, I can have it changed for you.

Koga: No. This is fine. The white matches my katanas.

Ujimasa: Indeed.

Koga: I'm sorry to inform you on such short notice, but I'm needed elsewhere.

Ujimasa: I understand. Your horse is in the main stable.

Koga walks over to the stables and walks his horse out before mounting it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2022 ⏰

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