Chapter 4

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Koga woke up and the sun hit his face as he stretched. He grabbed his katana before heading out in the front yard of his home. He sat in the middle of a field of short grass and stuck his sword in the ground. He closed his eyes as he took calm deep breaths.

When his eyes opened, he found himself in his mind with the white void being all around him. A figure of himself appeared behind him and tossed a katana to him.

he catches it and the two instantly go into combat. The two exchange a fury of strikes and parry each other, but still couldn't land a single hit. This happened repeatedly. Raimeki felt the change in Koga's mind and took her physical form.

Raimeki: Interesting battle. Who's the opponent?

Koga: Myself. No one else ever proves to be such a challenge. 

Raimkei: You could turn your attention to more areas on the other side of the capital.

Koga: If I did that, the villages there would be in danger of the empire. Besides, the man I want to fight isn't in that area anyway.

Raimkei: It's been 5 years. I would've thought you would've fought him again by now.

Koga: You know that I've tried. But it seems that my attacks are not within his sight. 

Raimeki: Well, if you want to fight him, you'd better find him quick or- Wait! Someone's coming!

Koga returns to the real world and grabs his katana before turning his attention to the sound of thundering hooves riding up the mountain.

When the horse rode up, Koga was glad to not have to use his weapon. An old friend rode up.

???: Koga!

Koga: Kenji. What is wrong?

Kenji: The town, it was under attack.

Koga: Who? Are they imperials?

Kenji: I don't think so. Hurry! The people need you.

Koga rushed inside before putting on his attire and mounting his horse before riding down the mountain with Kenji leading him.

As they arrived at the village, Koga could smell the scent of blood. And a lot of it was spilled. They dismount and walk into the village. Bodies of many men and women were seen, but they all had heads missing. They didn't have any other cuts or marks on the body.

Kenji: So, was it imperials?

Koga: I don't think so. Imperials aren't known for taking the heads of defeated enemies or civilians. One thing is certain, this is not the work of a soldier.

Kenji: An assassin?

Koga: Could be.

Woman: No! He's gone! My husband is gone! (Crying)

Koga: What happened? Who did this?

Woman: A man came into our village early in the morning. He asked us questions about a warrior dressed in black. When he didn't find the answers he wanted, he went on a rampage and took the lives of many people in our village. Including my dear husband! He cut the heads off his victims and smiled as he did it. He threw the heads over the cliff before storming off.

Koga: I'm sorry this happened to you. Your husband was a good man. Can you give me a description of what he looks like?

Woman: He wore a long and grey trench coat and had a wide smile. He would not stop talking. That's all I know.

Koga: Thank you. Do you know which way he went?

Woman: He went east?

Koga: Towards the capital? I'll find him and stop him. I promise.

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