Chapter 3

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5 years later

It's been 5 years. Since Kogas' battle with Budo and meeting Raimkei. During those 5 years, the world got a whole lot worse. The empire started taking land from the different tribes in every direction, placing heavy taxes, and doing executions of innocent people. It was so bad, that a revolution formed and started to take on the empire. They want change. And the only way they can get it is through war. Apparently, the leader of the revolutionary army is an ex-general of the imperial army.

She's been trying to fight the empire slowly and learnt their weaknesses. She's also been making peace with different tribes that the empire had crushed.

In the far north, far from the empire, a strong fortress stood. The scouts wore thick winter military gear. The snow was pouring down heavily. In the mix of it all, a man was seen standing alone.

He wore black samurai armour, a mask, an iron headband, and a dark cloak.

He walked towards the gate and found that the guards keeping a lookout was killed and laying in their own blood

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He walked towards the gate and found that the guards keeping a lookout was killed and laying in their own blood. He said nothing as he walked over them and a woman walked beside him.

As he walked deeper into the fortress, guards on the rooftop spotted him and pointed their rifles at him.

He instantly pulled out his sword and threw it at them. It spun as it hit and killed every guard before coming back to him. He catches the handles as he twirls it around before sheathing it again.

He walks inside the main building in the fortress and was met with the commander of the fortress. the two said nothing as they just stared at each other.

The commander saw something in the sky and it didn't look good. Whatever it was, it was coming in fast. It hit the front of the fortress and went inside the main building. Soldiers ran to cover, but the cloaked man didn't budge. 

The object stopped right behind him and the object opened, revealing many tribe members. All armed with swords, spears, and guns.

In an instant, total war broke out. Both sides were killing each other left and right. The cloaked man was left alone with the commander and unsheathed his katana.

 The cloaked man was left alone with the commander and unsheathed his katana

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