Chapter 6

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???: Koga, I hear you want to help break the imperial siege happening outside our walls. I'm Shin. One of Ujimasa's best swordsmen.

Koga: You guessed right. Shin, Ujimasa doesn't understand the position he's in. He needs this siege to end.

Shin: A few of our best archers went to fight off an imperial force... Against Ujimasa's orders. They've been missing for days.

Koga: We'll need their help to break the siege. They might be able to win the town's support. If an archer is trained well and disciplined enough, 2 or 3 can isolate a whole town. Where were they last spotted?

Shin: By a waterfall that leads to a mouth of a river. Near Old Yarikawa.

Koga: I'll be there. If there are any archers left, I'll make sure to bring them home.

Shin: I'll go talk with Lord Ujimasa about his decision. I pray he reconsiders.

The two men part ways as Koga leaves the town on foot. When he sees the waterfall, he sees an archer dressed in blue and white hiding near some bushes and crouching to avoid detection.

Koga climbs up to him and crouches beside him.

Koga: You must be the archer from Yarikawa.

???: What's left of them. The imperials caught us raiding a camp for supplies. We barely got away.

Koga: At least you're alive. What about the others?

???: Captured. We tracked them here.

Koga: I can help you free them.

???: You look like you can handle yourself. I'm Daikoku.

Koga: Koga Hatake.

Daikoku: Hatake eh? As long as you're not an Ashina...

Koga: Good. Now let's take a look at that camp. They look like they're preparing a prison caravan. They seem to be getting ready to move.

Daikoku: They're headed for a garrison on the other side of Old Yarikawa. We need to strike now before they leave.

Koga: Well... There's your archers. They seem in good health.

He simply pointed to the back of the transport and saw archers from Yarikawa bound and sitting down.

Koga: I need a favor to ask you. I need you to make a distraction big enough to lead most of the men away. I'll slip in and finish the soldiers left behind and free your archers. Then, I want you to come back here where we can ambush them.

Daikoku: I like the way you think. Get into position. Once I see the signal, I'll begin the distraction.

Koga nods in agreement and does a simple gesture as the symbol before leaving. Once he's in position, he does the same gesture and Daikoku goes out in the open and starts raining arrows.

Daikoku: Here me, Invaders! Come and fight me!

A few soldiers are shot dead before the majority of them run after Daikoku. Good thing for Daikoku's armor. It was light and it had high durability.

When most of the soldiers ran off, Koga walked up.

Koga: Face me!

He walked head on into the enemy camp and met with the imperial soldiers. He grabbed his katanas handle as his opponent stands a few feet in front of him.

The soldier charges in and in an instant, he's cut down.

The soldier charges in and in an instant, he's cut down

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