Part 36

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The next day had come and I had woken up by the door slamming open, I was still in the infirmary room in the bed. I looked over to the door in fear and saw Thor and Loki at the door, I took a deep breath.

"Seriously brothers! the first ting you do is scary the crap out of me. I thought four a second that the mad man was back" I said and reached to the glas of water and the tablett and swallow it, in a instant the voices was gone. Thor and Loki walked towards me.

"We came as soon that we heard that you were awake, and you took the tablets. How do you feel Sister" said Thor

It was time to see if I could walk or at least stand up, I got up infront of my brothers. Wearing sweat shorts and a loos top.

"You are not permitted to stand up even not walking!" said Loki and hurried his way towards my side to put his arms at my waist to give suport incase of me falling.

"You gotta start training up the muscular again, even if I can fly instead. Thank you for helping me, let's start with me walking to Thor!" I said looking at Loki with a smile before looking at Thor. Loki gave me a nod back. I placed my right fet infront of me and than the left fet beside infront of my right fet.

"See I got it!" I said and waked more slowly towards Thor with Loki beside me catching if I slip.

"No let me go Loki and see if I can make it to Thor!" I said letting go of Loki and continue walking to Thor. In matter of seconds I was infront on Thor and had giving me a hug as a reward.

"You did it sister!" said Thor with a smile on his face.

"Now let me out of this room take me to my bedroom. I get so bored being stuck inside of this room. Loki grabbed my phone and gave it to me before walking beside me with Thor. I grabbed sometimes at the wall to give me support and not letting me fall. Soon I hade made my way to my bedroom and it gave me a huge smile. I have missed my bed, my own bathroom and my own space. I looked at my brothers with a smile and walked to my bed as sitting down.

"It so good to be on my own bedroom, I have miss it" I said with a smile as both Loki and Thor stepped inside my bedroom.

I laid down feeling the comfiness of my own bed, as I did it I heard some saying something very loud.

"Where is Lexi?" said someone coming from down the hall. The voices was somewhat sounding like a person having a panic and loud. Thor went outside the bedroom and saw Steve looking everywhere for me.

"Cap she is in here. Take it easy we just let her out of the room because she been stuck there for days" Thor said laughing at Steve and looking at him. I could hear Steve letting out a deep breath and walking towards my room.

"I'm in here Steve! They just helped me with the support. And Loki I'm so happy that you have been good and stayed in the compound because of what have happen to me" I said smiling at my brothers.

"I came to help this guys to find you and take you back here. My goal was leaving here and knowing that you are safe" said Loki giving a kiss on my forehead as Steve walked in to my bedroom and walking towards me and giving me a kiss.

"I was checking up on you and tell you good morning. Now that you out of bed what do you want to do today" Steve said.

"Good morning, First I wanna take a shower and maybe go out of the compound without having someone attacking me. Brothers wanna join us?" I said smiling at Steve

"No we let you guys have some alone time today, Loki and myself need to do some stuff too?" said Thor and smile at me before leaving with Loki.

"Maybe a small date to the museum, the one that you wanted to go. We can take my motorcycle there than you don't need to walk as much for you first day?" said Steve

"First I need to take a shower and wash my hair, I have not done since I came back from Hydra. Time to get myself clean. Will you wait here just for sure that I don't hurt myself in the shower?" I said smiling and sat up and removed my clothes while Steve looked away.

"Steve, you have seen me naked and with only bra and panties, so no need to look away" I said smiling and removed my last clothes on my and walked to the showers. I jumped in the shower and start washing my hair and my body, hoping that Steve was watching me. Just thinking of Steve made my smile and feel so happy. When I was done in the shower I limped to take a towel.

"You okey in dear love!" Steve saying from my bedroom.

"Yes love" I said and started to blow dry my hair. After that I walked in to my bedroom Steve still in my bedroom and looked through my stuff.

"Finding anything interest. I remember you wanted a photo of me. All the photo I have is in my phone" I said walking up to Steve still wearing only a towel around me.

"I already got some photos of you, got it from Thor and Loki!" Steve said and turned around to look at me.

"Yeah what photos of me! I hope it not any embarrassing photos of me!" I said standing on my toes and kissing Steve. Steve smiled back at me after the kiss.

"No, I show you later today. Now go and get dress so I can take you out. I just need to get change at well if it's a date!" said Steve looked at me before walking out of my bedroom.

I made my way to the dresser slowly to make sure that I got used to walking again after being bedridden some days. The weather was sunny but some cloud in the sky. I chose a a pair of jeans with a top (picture above) , with some jewels,  comfy shoes and a bag to put my phone inside. Before leaving and head to Steve I curled my hair and put my phone inside my bag.

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