Part 26

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When I had woken up Steve was already gone which made me sad I wanted to lay down with him. I decided to get up and jump in the shower and jump in to some training clothes as it was time of the week to train up my powers after that attack, which I had straighten up my powers so hard that it disappear for awhile. I made my way to kitchen as I put my hair on a pony tail, grabbing some juice before looking for everyone. Could not find either Steve or Nat I made my way to Tony's office which Tony would absolute be there, which I was correct and walked in to the science lab.

"Good morning Tony ! Do you know were Steve and Nat is?" I said tilting at the wall.

"Good morning. There on a misson trying fining out were Hydra is based after that information that you gave us, Are you heading to the your training room to start training up your powers again" said Tony working not looking at me.

"Yeah thats my plan! See you later" I said and headed down to the third floor and entering the training room and started to train with my telekinesis and all the fourth elements. They were not as strong juste to. All I could thought of was Steve all day and I hoped he was not getting hurt. I trained for some hours until I left the training room and headed to the main floor.

They had not even come back yet and it had passed some hours, I jumped inside my shower and cleaned myself up. Grabbing some comfy clothes that was consisting of grey top with som white shorts, as soon heard some coming in into the compound. Brushed my hair quickly before heading to the entree and see if it was Steve and Nat, which is was.

"How did I go? did you find anything!" I said with my arm in cross looking at Nat and Steve.

They told me about everything which was not to much as they updated us on the misson and what had I happen. I went closer and closer to Steve to give him a kiss which he did it before I had the chance too.

"So you too are an couple now? finally!" said Nat and smiled at me.

"Yeah I think so!" I said smiling at both Nat and Steve. Before Steve told me he was going to take a shower in his bedroom. Which I took my phone and sat my on the balcony in the sun and scrolling though my phone. It was not too soon before the text from a unknown number starting to pop up. I was getting fed up with the text that I did not know what number or who it was. I turned it of and just enjoyed the afternoon in the sun.

I went inside the house as the sun went away seeing that Steve had looked everywhere for me after he had worked out.

"Tony the text keep coming to my phone!" I said to Tony

"Again let me try something else!" said Tony with I gave him my phone.

I went after Tony to his room again where he spent almost al day on.Short after came Steve that had change some clothes and standing besides me.

"I forgot to give you this Tony. For me these is just some regular bullets but Nat told me to take this home for you to investigate, she did not believe when I told her it was regular bullets" Steve said to Tony and placed them in a table infront of us.

"Did you get a respond from that guy at S.H.I.E.L.D.Steve!" said Tony after making the system go through the system of my phone he took a look at the bullets.

"Yeah but he told me he had nothing to do of the these two attack since Lexi joined us!" said Steve.

I left them two to discuses whats next to find who ever was after me, I just wanted go out in the public without getting attack. Being stuck here was getting on my nerves after a while.The only I could do to step out of the compound was going out to the balcony, I often went there couple times in the day which I made my way to for second time. I looked out of the balcony and all I could see what forrest but it was good enough.

"Love are you outside?" Steve said and walked up behind me and hugged me from the behind.

"This is my favorite place on the compound!" I said and turned around having my around Steve new and kissed him.

"As soon we get the person who is causing this and that is after you, I take you out on a real date. And I want you to dance with me. Btw do you have any picture of you!" Steve said kissing my back smiling.

"Promise me. I think I have on my bedroom somewhere or we make new fotos of me!" I said smiling at him

The day past on slowly today, Steve slept on my bed tonight to which I had nothing against. Before Heading to bed Bruce told me that Nick Fury would come here tomorrow morning and take me on a misson and to my surprise Steve was against it. I had talk him that nothing would happen and and that I knew how to defend me.

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