bye-bye butterfly

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{Taya's POV}

Last days, they always sucked. Last day of school, last day of holiday, last day seeing someone you love; they were the worst. But, not all terminations were bad, because with endings came new beginnings.

At least that's what i hoped for.

Today was our last day at I.S.L.A., and our last day shooting. I knew this day was coming, i just didn't think so soon. I actually really liked going to school everyday, because it meant seeing all my favourite people, and i knew that after most days, i'd go do something i loved; act. As expected, our scholar year and the amount of footage we needed ended on around the same day, so it was all just one big goodbye.

In complete honesty, we had finished filming ages ago, but since we we had finished earlier than expected, we got to keep the set for a bit longer. So, while all the editors edited, and the filmmakers made the film, we all just hang around and gave all the input we could.

I had no idea that being apart of a movie also meant being apart of this massive family of different people. Everyone got along so well, and just had fun. I was sure the bloopers to this film were going to be hilarious, because we messed around more than we filmed. Most of the bloopers were probably going to be of Jacob and i falling asleep, because that's literally all we did. Saying i was excited to see the movie once it was completely done, was an understatement.

The movie was going to be ready very very soon, and i couldn't wait for everyone to watch it. The trailer had come out awhile ago, so people had a tiny clue as to when it was coming out. We had all put in so much effort into the film, and we poured our literal hearts and souls into our characters. Every single person who took part in it, whether it was an actor, someone who looked after the light, or those who made the set, worked extremely hard, and everything we had all done was tremendous.

Anyways, back to the dreaded day. I eventually got out of bed, not very excited for today, but still happy to see everyone one last time. Picking out a significantly cute outfit to go to school, i did my same old morning routine.

I sleepily trudged downstairs, and headed to the kitchen for some breakfast

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I sleepily trudged downstairs, and headed to the kitchen for some breakfast. I then remembered what would be waiting for me in the kitchen; waffles.

Dad made waffles every last day of school, it was sort of like tradition.

"Good morning, Hun! You know the drill." he greeted, smiling brightly.

"That i do." i reached for some waffles, and obviously maple syrup.

Stacking a bunch on my plate, and drowning them in sweetness, i dug in.

"I can't believe it's already my last day; i remember the day we came to LA like it was yesterday." i sighed, reminiscing.

"Me too, it's crazy how much our lives have changed since then." Dad added, stuffing his face too.

Mine especially. It had completely switched, and i had an awesome group of people to thank for that. Honestly, i had no clue how i got so lucky. I mean, if i hadn't met them, there was no way i'd be as happy as i was right now.

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