Chapter Fourteen

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I stepped out of the house, waving bye to Miss Lopez. Jacob wanted to go to the movies tonight, so I was up for it. I was wearing a my black emoji joggers with a black top, and my red and black Jordan's.  He opened the door for me and I got inside. The ride was not long at all. Once we got to the movie theater, Jacob held my hand as we walked inside. A couple of Jacob's fans came up to us. Hugging him and taking pics. It was cute to see them and some were nice. Walking towards us as Jacob paid for our movie tickets, his ex from that the day at the studio was coming towards us.

"Jacob!" She yelled flipping her weave.

"Omg." He said under his breathe.

"Not this chick again."

As she got  near, I stepped in front of Jacob.  As she tried to hug him.

"Excuse me!"

"What tramp?!"

"Bitch! I ain't no tramp, Jacob and I came to see a movie, not you."

"Trick, this is my nigga!" She said flipping her crusty weave.

"No, cunt! He's mines now!"

After that being said, me and Jacob started walking off.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

After the movies, we went over Jacob's house to chill or whatever. He opened the door for me and lead me inside. The lights were off meaning no one was home. I followed him to his bedroom.

"My parents won't be home until Friday. So we can do whatever we want."

"Okay. What you want to do?"

"I gotta question to ask you."

"Aight, go ahead."

"I know we've known each other for a while now and I was wondering..."

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